Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma (2024)

TULSA DAILY WORLD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1953 TO FREE ITS SUBSIDIARY Chance Vought to Be Independent Company NEW YORK, Dec. 8 (P- United Aircraft, Corp. establish Tuesday its announced Chance Vought aircraft division, Dallas, as a separate corporation. Under the plan, all common stock of the new corporation eventually will be distributed to stockholders of United Aircraft. United President H.

M. Horner told a news conference here certain assets and liabilities of the Chance Vought division will be transferred Jan. 1 to a corporation to be known as Chance Vought Aircraft some similar name. In exchange for these assets, the new corporation will issue stock to United. United Officers to Quit "Thereafter, during a transition period, the wholly-owned new company, although a subsidiary of United, will operate independently of United." Horner explained.

that period, certain of United's officers will serve as members of the board of directors of the subsidiary company and arrangements will be made to elect to its board able business men from the Texas Horner said the common stock of the new subsidiary company will be distributed pro rata on or before Dec. 31, 1954, to the then holders of the common stock United. All officers of United then will from, the board there resten. legal or corporate connection between the new company and United. The plan will be submitted for approval of United stockholders at the next annual meeting, to be held in April, Horner said.

Better Competitive Job Horner said the primary reason for the move was that United's major division, Pratt Whitney, makes engines for many companies in the industry, including competitors of Chance Vought. He said United felt that because of this, some Pratt Whitney customers might be reluctant to take the engine maker into their confidence on details of new plane designs. Additionally, said. United felt Chance Voucher could do a better job competitively "standing on its own He pointed out all other airframe companies are separate firms. Chance Vought has unfilled orders for about $375 million, which include contracts for the twin-jet Navy F7U-3 Cutlass fighter, for Navy A2U jet-powered attack planes, and for guided missiles.

It also is developing an advance Navy day fighter. Editorial Writer's Wife Dies in Fort Worth -FORT WORTH, Dee. 8 (UP) Mrs. N. A.

Stedman wife of a Fort Worth Star-Telegram editorial writer, died Tuesday after a long illness. Immediate survivors besides the husband include two sons, N. A. Stedman Oklahoma City, and Dr. Preston Stedman, Bloomington, a daughter, Mrs.

R. B. Dunbar of Austin, and Richard B. Sneed, a retired brother, Air Force captain of San Antonio. White House Candidate Sentenced as Tax Evader SAN FRANCISCO, Dec.

attorney and independent dent in 1952, Tuesday was and fined $50,000 for $36,739 in federal income Hallinan, former attorney Longshore labor leader Bridges, declared bitterly the tence was too severe. He marked, however, that he Federal District Judge Edmond Murphy "had been fair" in his duct of the trial. "I'm very surprised at the lity of the sentence." Hallinan newsmen. "I thought it was harsh. are no longer a for justice, but a place where justice is validated and "I'm sorry I've spent my in the courts." May Not Appeal But Hallinan, a native San ciscan and son of a gripman, indicated he cable.

appeal. He said he expected to wholeheartedly to politics "and not waste any more of life in courts. The political is the place to get action." He declared he would not Ito law practice. "I have a lot of things to political and social it would to get rid of this and started," he added. Guilty of Evading Taxes Hallinan was convicted of ling taxes, by making expense deductions from a (lucrative apartment house and of failure to report amounts of his law income the years 1946 through 1950.

Hallinan likely will serve sentence--he may apply for after six months, with good havior-in McNeil island tiary, where he served time the Bridges trial. Bridges was convicted in perjury for saying he was Communist, but the U. S. court reversed the conviction cause the 3-year statute of tions had expired. Hallinan was found guilty of tempt of court Bridge's for his defense tactics, and six months at McNeil, of which served three.

Given Maximum Fine Judge Murphy Tuesday the maximum fine against nan, and could have given the fendant a prison term totaling years. Hallinan also was ordered to court costs $3,261, but the in jurors' fees could not be sessed against him. Judge Murphy granted 30 days in which to wind up affairs, which include settlement government claims of more $550,000 in civil tax penalties. Hallinan is at liberty on bail. same jury which convicted Hallinan freed his attractive Vivian, 43, mother of six sons.

Mrs. Hallinan and the eldest Patrick, 18, sat in court as the torney was sentenced. Then Hallinan kissed her husband on cheek. Hallinan told newsmen that his sentence was completed see a great deal more political Itivity by Vince Hallinan!" 8 (P) -Vincent Hallinan, 57, wealthy Progressive party candidate for presisentenced to 18 months in prison PIONEER DIES AT HOME HERE Mrs. Milholland's Rites Set Thursday Funeral services for Mrs.

Sarah Frances Milholland, 97, of 15 W. 22d pioneer state settler who had 109 direct descendants, will be held at 10 a m. Thursday in Stanleys service room. Mrs. Milholland died Tuesday at her home.

She had lived here since 1940 with a son-in-law and ter, Mr. and Mrs. Chester H. daughel. fall.

She had made her home with the Westfalls for more than 20 years. She came here with them from Ponca City. The Westfalls said she hadn't been seriously ill before her death, but she had been an invalid since suffering a broken hip in 1941. Milholland, who was born in Hannibal, had vivid recollections of final days of the Civil war, Westfalls the often reiterated how schoolchildren hailed the end ties with "the peace is had, the peace is had." She was married in 1872 to the Rev. Joseph Cambell Milholland who died at Oklahoma City in 1908, six years after the couple had moved to the state.

Her husband was a Presbyterian minister, newspaper editor, political reformer and campaign speaker. Mrs. Milholland, who outlived seven of her 13 children, me ber of the Presbyterian church. also Include a son, J. C.

Milholland, Fargo, N. four other daughters, Mrs. Grace Watson, Guthrie, Mrs. J. L.

Davis, San Diego, Mrs. A. T. hane, Napa, and O. A.

Zeitz. Upper Montclair, N. a halfbrother. Ed Brummet, Sapulpa; a half-sister, Mrs. Dell Johnson, Aurora, 76 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren and five greatgreat-grandchildren.

Interment will be in Memorial park. Counter Sales of 1954 Auto Tags Start Friday Counter sales of 1954 auto tags will begin at 9 a. m. Friday and those who come early have been promised the fastest service. Sale continue till Jan.

31. W. E. (Dode) McIntosh, county license agent, said the longer the motorist put off purchase of the tag, the longer the line will be out front of the tag office, 117 W. 2d st.

Office hours are 9 a. m. till 5 p. m. week days, 9 till noon on Saturdays.

Municipal Judge George Striplin passed for a week a case against Flanders Davis, 44, New York Negro, accused of operating a policy and numbers racket in Tulsa, in which testimony was presented Lawyers Tuesday, Ungerman and Charles Whitebook, who represent Davis, argued police had violated Davis' constitutional rights when they searched his hotel room in a raid without a warrant. Prosecutor A. A. Berringer claimed Harold Haus, chief of detectives, and other officers "reasonable belief" a felony had been committed when the searched the room. In the search they found a loaded pistol, and a quantity of items used in policy and numbers rackets.

Haus testified he had received a long distance call Aug, 9 from the mother of Juanita Dartis, 22- year-old Negro woman, from Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Dartis, 22- her daughter had left with Davis, and that he was forcing her to work as a prostitute in Tulsa. Berringer claimed that was the basis of the belief" of a felony. Federal agents arrested Davis on a charge of violation of the Mann act as he made $750 bond on charges Haus had filed against him in municipal court.

He is free on $7,500 bond on the federal charge. James Toland, 49, Negro, of Washington, D. reportedly an associate of Davis, also was arrested in August and charged on various violations including possession of gambling equipment. He also is free on bond. Haus said he had information the two had come to Tulsa to organize a large-scale policy and numbers racket here when he made the arrests.

LAW FRATERNITY FOR TU APPROVED JUDGE PASSES RACKETS CASE Counsel Says Negro's Rights Were Violated A petition to start a chapter of Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity at the University of Tulsa has been approved by the national supreme board of the group, Stephen W. Shambaugh, justice, said Tuesday. Installation, to be conducted by national officers and members of Harlan chapter, University of Oklahoma, is scheduled tentatively for Jan. 30. The chapter will be the "Summers Hardy chapter" after the late Judge Hardy.

Local officers, in addition to (Shambaugh, are Francis Hawkins, vice-justice; Edward Tomlins treasurer, and John Morley, secretary. JOLLY TIME POP CORN NEVER FAILS it always Pops SENSATIONAL OFFER! 5-DAY SPEED QUEEN FREE Automatic Washer CORNED With All DRIES IN ONE COMPLETE AUTOFILLS, WASHES, RINSES and DAMPThese Features 29995 MATIC CYCLE TUB BE FILLED TO ANY DESIRED LEVEL FOR LESS-THAN-FULL LOADS. $10 DOWN AUTOMATIC SEDIMENT EJECTOR DAMP-DRIED COTHES ARE THOROUGHLY PAYMENT VIBRATIONLESS no need to bolt down Come in for a TOMATIC Equipped with PORCELAIN EASY TERMS FREE DEMONSTRATION AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL AU. TOP THIS $119.95 VALUE Speed Queen IRONER FREE With the Purchase of a Queen Washer Available At Both Davis' Stores APPLIANCES GOODS CAMERAS POWER TOOLS TOYS JEWELRY This Speed Queen Washer, Store Stare Your Use It for Five Days. If not Satis- 14 E.

3RD 410 S. MAIN Old Washer fied We Will Refund Your Money, PHONE 5 5571. PHONE 54.6137 State Philanthropist Plans To Extend Yule Toy Program Ry SAUT, FELDMAN OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 8 played Santa Claus to millions, forgotten children of prison inmates Christmas. No point will be too distant, no child too insignificant to receive a package from the philanthropist.

seeking to add a bit of joy to the lonely children whose fathers are behind bars and lack money for toys. Already Vinson has sent letters to prisons in the United States, its possessions, England, Canada and Ireland. He also wants prisoners anywhere in the world to write him the names and addresses of their children. Getting millions of toys ready for shipment is a Herculean task, but to Vinson its something easily accomparation by of hard hundreds work and giving the freely of their time. The toys be sent aren't elaborate, but to any child not expecting a visit from Santa Clausi they will be wonderful.

This year's package will have about 18. games and puzzles that will fit any age group. In past years Vinson has sent the toys to the prisons SO the fathers could personally mail them to their children. but because of the heavy burden on prisons, this year Vinson is mailing them direct to the children. However, nowhere on the package is there any indication that the philanthropist sent the toys.

The father's name is put on the return address. Vinson, an Oklahoma City aSphalt road contractor he isn't working on his philanthropies, found several years ago while doing rehabilitation work with inmates that their greatest concern was over their children. He began giving a few gifts until 2 ago it mushroomed into a project of millions of toys. Last year Vinson hoped to drop the program in favor of other projects, but he was so besieged by prison officials and prisoners that he decided to continue. The 69-year-old Vinson, with the energies of a man many years his junior, has a workshop that can turn out thousands of toys a day.

All of the equipment and materials also are given by believers in his program. If Vinson wants Arkansas Blames King Size fa*gs For Tax Decline LITTLE ROCK, Dee. 8 WArkansas' tax collections on cigarets have gone down and Tuesday the blame was placed on kingsize cigarets. Revenue Commissioner Vance Scurlock said revenues fdom the cigaret tax have dropped $99,000 during the first 5 months of the current revenue year. He said collections so far this year $2,900,000 amounted to approximately while during the same period in 1952 collections amounted to more than 3 million dollars.

Seurlock said that according to a study by the National Tobacco Tax the kingsize cigaret takes longer to smoke with the result that fewer cigarets are sold. The report said, however, that just about as tobacco is consumed by smokers, Scurlock said. Royal Christmas LONDON, Dec. 8 -Queen Elizabeth's two children will spend, Christmas at the royal county estate at Sandringham, Buckingham Palace announced Tuesday. Benton County Plans Junior Broiler Contest World's Own Service evading' taxes.

for Harry senr rethought P. con- severtold to very place insanctified. life Francar not turn anyhow, field my return dobel get evadfraudulent very income, sizable for his parole bepeniten- after 1950 of a supreme belimita- contrial given he assessed Hallide- 25 pay $4,320 as- Hallinan his of than $2,500 wife, husky boy, atMrs. the when "you'll ac- (A)-Uncle Dan Vinson, who has is going to take care of the any place in the world this thing, he goes and asks for it. He is never refused.

This year Vinson would like to send toys to every country in the world. He is prepared to handle millions of requests, and he points out he'll keep working into JanuERristince and many exchange faiths gifts celebrate at times other than Dec. 25. What does Vinson get out of his project? Just the satisfaction of knowing some forgotten children are made happier, and the letters from wardens proclaiming the toy project the biggest morale booster in prison. Noted Attorney Dies LOS ANGELES, Dec.

8 James William Ryan, 61, New York attorney and former president of the American branch of the International Law died at the home of a brother here Tuesday. BENTONVILLE, Dec. 8-- Benton county agricultural leaders have made plans for organizing a junior broiler contest and a grassland farmer's club. Details of the contest will be worked out at a meeting of sponsoring groups Dee. 15 at Bentonville.

The junior broiler contest will be sponsored by the county feed dealers and hatcherymen. McCoy Sitton of Springtown is chairman of the planning committee; Jim Coe of Rogers is chairman of the poultry committee. INFLAMED EYES? Get prompt relief with Lavoptik. Also soothes granulated eyelids; relieves tired, sore, itching, sticky, burning or irritated eyes or money refunded. 35 years success.

Praised by thousands. Get Lavoptik today. (Eye-cup included.) At all druggists. Adv. YOU STILL HAVE TIME To Share in Home Federal's December 31st Dividends At The Rate Of Savings Invested by December 10 Will Earn Dividends For The Full Month of December HOME FEDERAL, SAVINGS and Loan Association THIRD AND BOSTON, TULSA Thursday Hours: 8:30 a.

m. to 8:30 p. m. Gift Values Priced for Every Santas Budget No Matter What the Price Range We Have a Gift Item to Fit Your Pocketbook Choice $095, Only Walnut Occasional or blond Chair $9.95 fin- Pair Only Foam Genuine Pillows Rubber $9.95 Only HI CHAIR $9.95 Rich Your Choice Occasional Tables $9.95 finHas plastic zipper Choice of maple or mahogany ish. Covered in rich ished tables.

End, frieze and tweed. case. natural finish. lamp or co*cktail. Your Choice BABY CRIB Bookcase Bed Modern Base Rocker DROP SIDE 1995 $19.95 Only $19.95 $19.95 5-DRAWER CHEST Only Only ONLY $19.95 Choice of four colors to Walnut or blond.

Comchoose from. Save $10.00 plete with foot board and Blond finish, beautiful Choice of maple or on this crib. rails. frieze covers. walnut.

FREE-TOYS MOTHERS AND DADS DON'T MISS THIS OF ANY PURCHASE MODERN 9x12' RUGS CHAIR AND GIVEN FREE IN TOYS DRESSER Platform Rocker $29.95 OTTOMAN On One-piece, One-suite, Three-room OutOnly Only $29.95 fits or complete house full. Yes, any pur- Only $29.95 Only $29.95 Several colors to In beautoful tweed chase you receive free toys Wednesday Choice of walnut or Covered in beautiful choose from covers. through Saturday. maple with mirror. frieze and plastic.

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Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

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