TT'fTT) -1 I A -Newsspsr Fcr tie Yiksls Vs 1 MuD) EicriT VOLUME' XLIII NO. 78 SEYMOUR, INDIAN TCESDAY, APRIL 1, 1024. PRICE THREE CENTS. MM SPEAKS MORE fiCTlVITV IS ETTING I TH E'WRO CAGE DEFENSE SCORES TO nOTP.I II 7TYT7a" TT T771 1 no I CLUB PQIITIGS jt-Z-- 4- Kmi)A a.00 keI-v PRIMARY ELEGT10 III If Will I -v 1 i tt-EFT THT CAtrEJ if ml "Pi Brown Says fit Was "Mistaken: In Some Statements Made In Bankruptcy Hearing. BROWN CHANGES EXPRESSION MemfceJr of State Hiflhway Commis- Election Commissioners Named Coolldge And' LaFollett Forces Line up In Contest Which Is Conceded to Latter.
elnn Save anfnanm Cnits 5 Boards Will Be Announced Depends on Traffic WUhhVFew Days. Mmm LAF0LLETTE NOT CANDIDATE PROGRAM SOUNDLY FINANCED SHORT TIME FOR FILING 111 lol nNJl II It II II II II II r. HHKSQft I Ryan Charges Brawn Kept Note For 3 Good Roads, He Says, Bio Asset to Community Expendrtw es Not Expense. But'. Investment ,1 Earl Crawford, a member of the Indiana state highway commission, was the principal at the regular meeting of the Rotary Clubl today; He spoke'hero at'the invi- lation of the April committee of which E.
P. Eisner is chairman, Crawford annually drives 35,000 to 40,000 miles on Indiana roads and is conceded to be one of the best posted road authorities in the Middle West. He declared that while Indiana's I wry slow-Tornt1- teaOiMbairttvoniwn-- pared to many' states, our expan- sion program was soundly financed, and that when our market highway eystera is complete, the state pot be burdened with huge bond- ed debt. Ile explained that 96 cents of every dollar received by the high- way department is expended on con- struction and maintenance on more than 4,000 miles of-state roads, Density of traffic on a certain road determines when that road shall be paved, for only when it be- conies cheaper to pave than to maintain with gravel or stone, does me commission approve nam sur- facing. Plans for 1924 and 1925 paving were discussed in detail and he explained how approximately lud do is MARCH LiOH ROAR TILL RESOUNDS 136 miles of paving planned this as assistant to M.
W. Welsh, Demo-year was abandoned because, the cratic county chairman. department lost $3,000,000 revenue hnnr ha expected from additional motor! license- fees Crawford droVe home the fact that (rood roads are a necessity, and the expenditure for such is not an expense but an investment, Only the small politician attempts to make an issue of roads, he said. Progressive citizens of all political parties ftfvor a svstem of market 'hiehwavs. he declared.
He empha- sized that to the farmer, a hard road-a road that can be Jjsed each ilnv nf tk war mouia morn than I 0 HOT FEED II THC ANIMALS Medina Monday Night At Farmers Club With Incorporation Made At Shipping Station. MED0RA GROWERS SIGN UP Freetown, Kurtz And Crbthersville All To Be Organized Which 1 Will Complete County. John W. Ritter, 11 U. Fosbrink ntpra pnrrnirod in oriranizinar toinnj0 growers of Jackson county the Indiana Canning Crops Ftf'hange were at a public sale feAnra nn (nndnv nnd slcrn.
ed 40 tomato who attend- ed "fJie ale. A meeting of those wflio signed and others interested will bo" held Medora whenTdi- will be elected and articles incorporation will at "once be fircwn up and sent to the secretary 0f 5 Growers of tie Sevmour terrii- torv met at." the Farmers Club in directors, teV total- viw 155 acre's 4ia'd mn. signed; up. nf inpnrnnmtion were drawn at a meeting held at the shipping (Continued on page 8, column 5) DAIRYMEN MEET AT THE FARMERS' CLUB Hurley And Canan Talk, And Pictures of B. 0.
Special are Shown at Night Meeting. Dairymen of the county interest better sires met at the larm- ere' Club th cityMonday Pight and heard addresses by ProT. R. D. Canan, of.
Purdue, and H. lliir Mr. Hurley explained the program of the railway cpmpany mv the dc tar-rf-the' dairv business in Tn(1iftn- and Prof. Canan talked alon? the iine3 0f better jpare of herds, end better sire work. During, the Canan and Hur.
iey, accompanied by Willis conntjr-agentr-visited 5 ihe A. M. Browning, u. carter ana Uhanes Foster Jersey hefds, where the 3iros gotten from the Baltimore Ohio Better; Sire Special Train last fall are owned. In addition to the talks by Canan and 'Hiurley, moving pictures of the Baltimore Ohio special, takep when the train passed, through Tndi Oiift last fall, vre animals SEYMOUR GROWERS HAVE ORGANIZED 111 II' II II $600 Which McCray" Paid" As Interest On Money By International New Service.
Indianiipolis, April 1Defenso counsel. Michael Ryan i charged to day in the trial of Governor Warren T. IMeCray for embezzlement and Crand larceny that Newt Brown, former nccretary-treasurer of the Indiana Board of Agricultural and "star" witness for the state nad only begun to use the expression "McCray wanted money for his bank" during tho present trial. Ryan; claimed Brown testified in that on one occassion McCray asked him to write A check for 000, Then Ryan said that in this trial he has been testifying tne governor wanted the money for his bank. 6t Browns statement that McCray r.
wanted tha if 153,000 from the Board of Agrjculture ha is charged with diverting to his own use, has stood practically 1 unchallenged throughout the present trial Cross' examination of Brown wad being brought to a close at the noon re- ess. Defense attorneys scored when Brown admitted that if he had made some statements when tentiflcd at the bafikruptcy hearing thoy were vt. After Brown testified ne, called the Discount and Deposit bank of which McCray was president about certitlcatca of deposits for part of Counsel Ryan asked whether he had benn mistaken in the fedaral hearing wimn he said -he had never called tha bank. -He admitted he was wrong in his first testimony. At torney Ryan charged Brown had kept a note for $000 Mc Cray as interest on $155,000 and naJl hot told member of th.i agricultural hoard until the present trial began.
Brown said lie had told members of the board about it and theysaid to of interest would have been less than 2 per cent. On direct examination Prosecutor Eph Inman asked Brown, whether be knew that before the checks made, out to he Discount and Deposit bank reached that institution through the Continental and Com mercial bank of Chicago, that Mc-Cray called Amos Morris, his cash ier, and told him the money was to be. put to his personal credit. Brown said he did not know about it. He was asked the same question about -checks which had been given McCray to be deposited to the credit of the agricultural board, He de nied knowing anything about the governor instruction to nis cashier; vBy intewatlonal Jp we' Service.
Indianapolis, April I. Although the testimony of Newt. Brown, former secretary-treasurejr 1 of the Indiana agricultural board, in the trial of Governor Warren T. McCray, has badly shaken in many instances by the gruelling cross Examination by defense Counsel Ryan. His statement that McCray wanted $155,000 of the board's money for his bank and not for his personal use, stood unchanged when court opened today.
McCray is charged 'with, diverting to his own -use the money which Brown says be received for deposit in the Discount and Deposit State Bank, of Kentland, of which he was president Tbe for? his crash last fall. The defense claims the money was originally borrowed by McCray for his personal- use but that it wa listed on' the board's books as' a to the bank because officials thought that would "look better." Brown" was recalled to "the 'hhn 1 today and cross-examination continued. lie admitted lale yesterday, that he had consulted attorney-general, 'about tho with FcTrny 1 rm.l him as saying there was very wrong" about it." FOUIIO IW GUIL1Y Adolph Hitler Given Five Years In Fortress And Also fined 200,000 Gold Marks. WILL 'SERVE SIX MONTHS State To Bear Ludendorlfs Part of Trial Expense Others Also Fined and Sentenced. By iBternatlonat Newe Service.
Mmnkhr April 1. General Fjh-h Ludendorff. directing genius' of tha German army in the great war, was acquitted today of the charges or high treason growing out of his connection with the attempted nationalist uprising in Munieh last Adolph Hitler, founder of the Bavarian fascisti and chief ringleader in the "Putsch," was found guilty of higU treason and sentenced to flv years imprisonment a fortress. In addition he was fined 200,000. gold marks.
other defendants, Poehner, Weber also were found County Candidates Have This Week Tilt. ApriL Announcement by "the; county board of election commissioners will h.vfftpth ln ih. jel. i i 'e from Jackson county for the uepawican ana suuo conventions. One delegate worn strict win oe elected w- me state convention at the, primary election May 6.
Republicans wilj clect delegates rromtne, county 10 Weir state conventron at jnui- anapelw and the Democrats will The last day for filing deelara- tions of candidacy as delegates to the state conventions with the coun- ty clerk, Virgil II. 'Fountain, vwill be April 16, two weeks from Tuesday, All other delegate candidacies, in- eluding the congressional, must be filed not later than April 5. Mr. Fountain states that two candidates I for delegate to the Republican state (convention filed notice of their can- didacy this morning, the fir3t in either party to file The election commissioners this year are Dr. Harrv Shields.
Browns- town, from the Republican party, and Allen Lucas, Brown3town, the Democratic party. They will complete their organization next week. Cullen B. Barnes is actinir announced tv the commissioners within tan days. Both" county chair men havecompleted the list of districts for selecting state convention delegates.
Saturday is the last day on which declarations of "candidacy for mfy offices can be filed, accord 10 law ftna canaiaates ior pre h'net committeeman must file some time durng fhe present week. Tiie usual custom is for tie Oart.V leaders to file a list of nmUdntes for the precinct places and the convention delegates and unless there is some opposition these nemes are not placed on the coun- fcy primary ballot but are certified recr to me state Donra oi econ commissioners, Ac; anon ns the list of candidates I nar, Wn 1 completed the iboard of e'c'ction commissioners will make np the county primary ballot and pn-ceed to let the printing contract Three ballots will be voted he primary in May. The state national 7 ballots for the ry. wjU be provided by the state arit of, election commissioners COnnty baltot will be print- tn tne county. moti interest Is b- feU 0Ver the cohgresiioiial uatmoon nani, ronflw.
of BUlie nm of Frank- 1 opposition in his own party. This 1 (Continued on page 8, column 4) Scranton Carmen Strike, By International NWi Service. Scranton. Pa. April 1 Although bu8mess interests worked until late into the night to avert'the walkout, six hundred employes bf the Scranton Railway Company went out on trike earlv todav.
crinnlinir traffic and business 6ver 100,000 "iwr- sons forced to walk to work Rnd bif. industrial plants were badly crippled, Winners Celebrated Br lnUrntlonU Newg to Scranton, Apr 1-Ovr 000 mineworkers of the entire an- thracite coal region are idle today celebration of. the. atiniyersary eight-hour day. ganera celebration is being-beld-lHiUloeal vnvu-twauues Pcclft meetings ana smoKers.
A son, Frank Edward, was born today to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Coll man Indianapolis. Mrs tollman vwiting fter parents, Mr. Mrs. Molton Coryell.
lEveryone Reads the Clasfiifled Adv3. lot kl ltr any other federal activity, even the postal service. "It is a conveni- ence. to) get his. mail promptly, but Says His Name Will Not Appear At ConvntJon Fight Over Delegates Foreshadowed.
By International New Service. Apr. 1 Presi end Coolidge toduy faces Senator Robcrt'M. LnFollctte in the Wiscon sin senators lioinc state primary and unofficial political referees have given the decision lo the 'senator in advance of voting although La- Follettc has iiulu-uted thut his name will not be presented to Iho Cleve land convention. A fight to disqualify any La- Follcttc sent ia the na the statement on thfi eve of the primary' by.K.
L. former tovernor and' a CooHflge candidate delegate at largo. Ho called attention to the state law, which specifically provides for the election of only four presi- lential delegate candidates at large ind claimed that neither Attorney- general Herman L. Ekprn nor Secretary of Stato Fred R. Zimmerman had any right to set inside the aw by allowing seven numes to go on LaFoIlette's ticket.
The new allotment byvthe Rcpub- ican national committee brought a- bout the change, increasing the state's dolegatcfl-at-large from four seven. F.kern and Zimmormnn followed' this action by certifying evcn LaFollette's delegate candi- lates to tfto. official ballot. TIA JUANA GAMBLING ORDERS ARE ISSUED Many Games Must Go But The Race Track Will Not Be Discontinued By International New Service. San Diego, Apr.
1 On of the Mexico govern-trcnt, gambling In mapy forms wtll cease at Tia Juana and Mexiealia tonight," according to nnnounce-ment at the border resorts today. fortune, Chuck-a-luek and Stud Poker have been placed under a ban. Only poker dice, sometimes called "Klondike'' and the ordinary crop, or "Galloping dominoes," will be pennitted i under the' new order, it was said. Tho curb on gambling is under stood to bo in line with the policy ecently adopted at Mexico City to "ctaan up" vice conditions reported to 'have existed and which, resulted recently in an early closing to traffic of the 1order lines on orders rrom the Washington government The order will not affect the racetrack. SUNMEN TERRORIZE -CICERO iffvade Chicago Suburb And Run People From Election.
By International New Service. Chicago, April 1 Riot squads from police, headquarters werte rushed to Cicero today when, following the pre-election gunplay at the Democratic headquarters there last night, it was reported four automobile loads of gunmen nad invaded-the Village, raided two polling places, clubbed voters and driven off election judges and clerks. tEightecn men were said to be in the" attacking" party. Last night, Rudolph J. Hurt, Democratic candidute for president of the village board, was driven from his headquarters with bullets 'whistling at bis heels, by a mob wnich raided A split in the villager political macnine is held responsible for the disorders.
Golden Jubilee Hermion Lodge, will celebrate its 50th Anniversary' Thursday, April 3, 1024 "All Knights urged to be present; all older Bros, especially as tnis will be your meeting. Visiting Knights cordially invited. a3d R. Carter, K. R.
R. Ye OJde Tyme Concert First Methodist church 'Friday, April 4, 8 o'clock. r.veryonp Rcndi the April Ushered liH With Snow That Makes The Morning Look Like Real Winter Day. COAL WAGONS A GO ROLLING Farni Operatino At Standstill As Result of WPather-Strams Are Rapidly vRececHng. March' went out like a roaring lion, which kept on roaring today.
Snow flurries of Monday left white roofs through "the night and the first day of April looked very much like winter the month was ushored in tlus moming. The deluge of iain which had fallen, the latter part ot last week and caused stream all ovnr the county to go oyer their banks began receding Monday night. A frill of about two feet since Monday afternoon wtuweordod afternoon at the pumping station of the Seymour Water Company at Rock- Stata road No, 1 which ifomfa yiiear Rockford was cpshi to travel without difficulty this morning, and traffic isVnow uiihindipred at that point. On Mondn traffic wns deferred by many wjid waited for the river to reced-. before attempting passage' at that point.
fcevcral Seymour automobile were unable r. to reach home Monday nigbt from the north, the (Continued on page 5, column 4) SPECIAL PERMISSION TO USE HEAVY TRUCKS Urgent Need i for Railway Material at Peru Causes.Special Action ytJS; By Commission. Br Intsmitlonat New Service. Indianapolis, April 1. The Indi ana State Highway Commission today granted special permission to the Indiana Lumber Company, of Kokomo for thef use of live ton trucks on the' state road to Peru during some emergency construction work for the Chesapeake and Ohio and Wabash railroads.
A traffld tie-up has been threatened because! the company could not make delivery' of very much needed interlocking plants. 1 Three ton; trucks arc the largest permitted nd the highway commis. sion vicl t' rtito cnly because. a good road makes it possible for I im to operate his farm or dairy at a mucn nigner rate or proauetion and greater profit, gives him and his more of the COtnfortsI and luxuries of life, helps his chil drento acquire a better education, and raises his entire standard of r' Mr. Crawford gave.1 attention to somo local conditions in connection with the state highway- commis- sion program, tie reterrea to tne construction of a bridge- over the Von Fange ditch on West Second street and said that the commission JiellpheildingMheJ bW poiicj, lie pointed out law provide that when state nignways are cui or intercepted must 'be put ln wnA4 rrri it tn OB thAV 1 Fr th commi8S10 build bridffs in such cases as that I which has arisen here, he said, would mean that a million dollars would be expended by the state -commission.
He explained that the jnatter has been carried through the courts and the Indiana supreme court will soon decide whether, the commission's interpretation of he law is 'v-. "Mr. Crawford also gave consider- atle.time tothe roads between this city and CrothersvUle. in completing, the highway, near Newry is aeiayea oy iauure wi uimu right of way on the Miller farm He said tbat if satisfactory ngree- ment" cannot be reached "with the owner of the farm, the commission could do nothing else but institute condemnation proceedings. A com- riitta it Rrfnriati unrl other bust- guilty' bf treason and received the The remaining defendants were found guilty of being.
accessories. Sentences of one year and three months imprisonment in a fortres and fines of 100 gold marks upon Flick, Roehm, Wagner and Pernet. It is understood Hitler will be paroled after serving sis months of his sentence. The state will bear the cost of the Lndendorff trial. Pernet is Ludendorffs stepson.
Weber is a veterinary surgeon. Most of the other defendants were army or police nationalist revolt was planned last November by the Bavarian nationalists, the, final meeting being held in a-Munich beer cellar. Dr. ton Kahr, former dictator of Bavaria General von Losiow', former commander of the Bavarian and Ilerr Seisser, a former high Bavarian pojice official, pretended to give the movement their assistance. The "Hitlerites" set put to march upon Berlin but were dispersed by the and police within less than twelve hours the uprising was launched.
'Lndendorff was arrested immediately. Hitler who was wound-, ed, fled from Munich and was arrested at Easing, forty miles away, Tip's Yellow Taxi." Any Fl one 417. 7. -i, tf ness men was named to take up the matter-in an effort to reach an ad- justment Fred. Bacon gave a brief review rtf the hovs' conference held in In- dianapolis recently.
R. J. Duke, secretary of the Indiana Y.MC. also spoke of activities of that or- panization, emphasizing tha older bovs' conference at Jefferson ville I this week and the program mapped out for Camp "Bedfrbd, near1 Bed foul, during the coming summer. t1 3 affected..