Sean Lau Ching-Wan (劉青雲) In 90S (2025)

1. Sean Lau Ching-Wan - The Movie Database

  • Sean Lau Ching-Wan (Chinese: 劉青雲; born February 16, 1964) is a Hong Kong ... 1990, The Challenge of Life (30 episodes) as 刘志光. 1990, A Time of Taste ...

  • Sean Lau Ching-Wan (Chinese: 劉青雲; born February 16, 1964) is a Hong Kong Film Award winning and Golden Bauhinia Award winning film and former television actor based in Hong Kong. Lau was born in Hong Kong in 1964. He joined the TVB acting classes in 1983 and made his first appearance on TV the following year with TV drama Draw Out the Rainbow. Dark-skinned with no matinee-idol look, he struggled to be cast until in the immensely popular stock market drama The Greed of Man (1992), when he acted opposite Adam Cheng. His wife, former (1991) Miss Hong Kong Amy Kwok, is a well-known former television actress. Lau is one of a handful of HK actors who has made the successful transition from TV to film; he is now exclusively a film actor.

2. Lau Ching Wan (刘青云) - MyDramaList

  • Lau Ching Wan, also known as Sean Lau, got his start like many Hong Kong actors by enrolling in the TVB (Shaw Bros. television studio) training school.

  • Born in Hong Kong, Lau Ching Wan, also known as Sean Lau, got his start like many Hong Kong actors by enrolling in the TVB (Shaw Bros. television studio)...

3. LAU Ching-Wan 劉青雲Sean Lau - Cinemasie

  • Bevat niet: 90s | Resultaten tonen met:90s

  • File for this personnality, with filmography, portrait, pics, links...

4. Sean Lau Ching-Wan - 劉青雲 - The Movie Database

  • 1990, The Challenge of Life (30 集) 饰演刘志光. 1990, A Time of Taste (20 集). 1990, A World Apart (10 集). 1990, It Runs in the Family (15 集). 1989, Story of ...

  • Sean Lau Ching-Wan (Chinese: 劉青雲; born February 16, 1964) is a Hong Kong Film Award winning and Golden Bauhinia Award winning film and former television actor based in Hong Kong. Lau was born in Hong Kong in 1964. He joined the TVB acting classes in 1983 and made his first appearance on TV the following year with TV drama Draw Out the Rainbow. Dark-skinned with no matinee-idol look, he struggled to be cast until in the immensely popular stock market drama The Greed of Man (1992), when he acted opposite Adam Cheng. His wife, former (1991) Miss Hong Kong Amy Kwok, is a well-known former television actress. Lau is one of a handful of HK actors who has made the successful transition from TV to film; he is now exclusively a film actor.

5. 周星馳/劉青雲EP01粵語中字Stephen Chow & Sean Lau Ching Wan

  • Bevat niet: 90s | Resultaten tonen met:90s

6. Sean Lau Ching-Wan - MOVIES

  • Sean Lau Ching-Wan (Chinese: 劉青雲; born February 16, 1964) is a Hong Kong ... 1990 · The Challenge of Life as 刘志光; 1990 · A World Apart as; 1990 · A ...

  • Feb 16, 1964 (60 years old) in Hong Kong, British Crown Colony

7. Lau Ching-Wan - HKMDB

  • 劉青雲 ♂ Lau Ching-Wan. Sean Lau, Lau Ching-Wen. Born: February 16th, 1964 (Guangdong, China). Filmography (1986-2024). Actor (117 films). Silent Love (1986) ...

  • HKMDB contains information about films, people, and companies associated with Hong Kong cinema

8. 周星馳/劉青雲EP08粵語中字Stephen Chow & Sean Lau Ching Wan

  • Duur: 43:57Geplaatst: 4 nov 2017

9. Sean Lau Ching Wan (Шон Лау Цин Уан) - Китай | Хонконг - Eastern Spirit

  • 12 mrt 2020 · Gia13 · Lau Ching Wan/ 刘青云 / Лау Цин Уан · Известен като: · Английско име: Sean Lau · Професия: Актьор · Дата на раждане: 16 февруари 1964 г.

  • Lau Ching Wan/ 刘青云 / Лау Цин Уан Известен като: Sean Lau Ching-Wan (Шон Лау Цин Уан) / Ching Wan Lau (Цин Уан Лау)/ Sean Andy (Шон Анди) Английско име: Sean Lau Професия: Актьор Дата на раждане: 16 февруари 1964 г. Родно място: Хонконг Височина:175 см Тегло: 80 кг. Зодия: водолей Китайски зодиак:...

10. 刘青云- 豆瓣

  • 英文名 Sean Lau; 简体中文名 刘青云; 出生地 中国,香港; 出生日期 1964-02-16; 更多中文名; 更多外文名 Sean Lau Ching-Wan/Ching Wan Lau/Sean Andy. 收藏. 影人介绍.

  •   刘青云,香港著名影星,祖籍广东三水,因为肤色较黑的关系,有“黑马皇子”的称号。1983年加入香港无线电影第十二期艺员训练班,其间曾在多部连续剧里担任跑龙套的角色。他出道早期比较幸运,1984年一毕业便参演了电视作品《画出彩虹》;到1985年凭《新扎师兄》一剧的“Fit佬”角色,奠立冷面形象,自此崭露头角。其时无线多制作古装剧集,刘青云参演了诸如《皇上保重》、《成吉思汗》、《大运河》等等古装作品。不过因为肤色较黑,其古装外形常被人认为欠说服力,像1987年他在《大运河》一剧扮演唐太宗李世民,就有批评指他扮相不伦不类,纯靠演技补足外形之缺陷。  早在1986年刘青云就已开始参与电影演出,如在成龙的《警察故事续集》就客串了一个探员的角色。虽然成名较早,但直至1990年的时候,刘青云都仍然主力在无綫拍剧。直至1992年他凭着无綫重头剧《大时代》而走红,才有机会离开无线,全身投入电影演出。刘青云于1993-1995年间最为活跃,这段期间他的代表作包括了《新不了情》 、《现代豪侠传》、《昨夜长风》、《冲锋队之怒火街头》等。  在电影中刘青云多数饰演一些警察的角色,如主演的《冲锋队之怒火街头》便是饰演一个火爆的军装警员;在《暗战》他饰演警队谈判专家;在《大三元》也是饰演一个具幽默感的警探。其演出正经之余带有半点幽默,能为格调沉闷的电影制造活泼的生气,既能饰演勇猛强悍的动作英雄,也能演憨厚朴实的小人物。作为一名实力派演员,刘青云曾获得多次香港电影金像奖最佳男主角提名,但要等到2007年第八次提名时,刘青云才凭一部名不经传的《我要成名》,得到香港电影金像奖最佳男主角。他早于1994年凭《新不了情》、《七月十四》获香港电影金像奖最佳男主角提名,不幸败于黄秋生;1996年他凭《冲锋队之怒火街头》再获提名,最后还是铩羽而归。刘青云其他奖项包括:1998年...

11. About: Sean Lau - DBpedia

  • Sean Lau Ching-wan (born 16 February 1964) is a Hong Kong actor who has acted in both films and television series. He won Best Actor in the 2007 and 2015 ...

  • Sean Lau Ching-wan (born 16 February 1964) is a Hong Kong actor who has acted in both films and television series. He won Best Actor in the 2007 and 2015 Hong Kong Film Awards and in the 2000 and 2007 Golden Bauhinia Awards.

12. Crisis Negotiators movie review: Lau Ching-wan, Francis Ng in so-so The ...

  • 12 jun 2024 · Lau Ching-wan plays a police hostage negotiator framed for murder and Francis Ng an ex-colleague in Herman Yau's pale remake of Hollywood ...

  • Lau Ching-wan plays a police hostage negotiator framed for murder and Francis Ng an ex-colleague in Herman Yau’s pale remake of Hollywood movie The Negotiator.

13. 暴瘋語Insanity 2015 - video Dailymotion

  • Geplaatst: 9 apr 2024

14. Lau Ching-Wan - HKMDB

  • 劉青雲 ♂ 刘青云 · Lau Ching-Wan. 拼音: liú qīng yún. Sean Lau, Lau Ching-Wen ... 孖仔孖心肝 / It Runs in the Family (1990) · 情義兩難 / The Shanghai Mafia (1990).

  • HKMDB contains information about films, people, and companies associated with Hong Kong cinema

15. 10 Miss Hong Kongs from the 1990s – where are they now? From Anita ...

  • 6 dec 2022 · From Anita Yuen, who worked with Leslie Cheung and Stephen Chow, and Amy Kwok who married Sean Lau, to Sonija Kwok's latest ViuTV show.

  • The 1990s will always be remembered as the golden era for Miss Hong Kong Pageants … but what happened to the beauties who won?

16. 98 Mr Sean Lau Ching Wan | the Avenue of Stars

  • Bevat niet: (劉青雲) | Resultaten tonen met:(劉青雲)

  • Hong Kong-born actor Lau Ching-wan appeared in TV drama Draw Out the Rainbow (1984) a year after graduating from TVB’s acting course. He next charmed audiences as “Fit-Lo” in the immensely popular Police Cadet (1984) drama series. More dramas ensued, including The Grand Canal (1987), It Runs in the Family (1990) and The Greed of Man (1992) co-starring future wife Amy Kwok. Lau debuted as a film actor in Silent Love (1986) and went on to prove that his rugged and formidable looks would not stop him from mastering a wide range of characters. He was nominated for Best Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards seven times, for C’est La Vie, Mon Chéri (1993), Thou Shalt Not Swear (1993), Big Bullet (1996), Full Alert (1997), The Longest Nite (1998), Victim (1999) and Lost in Time (2003), before winning Best Actor for My Name is Fame (2006) in 2007 and Overheard 3 (2014) in 2015. He was also named Best Actor by the Hong Kong Film Critics Society for Full Alert, La Brassiere (2001), Life without Principle (2011) and Overheard 3; and for Where a Good Man Goes (1999) and My Name Is Fame (2006) by the Hong Kong Film Critics Association.

Sean Lau Ching-Wan (劉青雲) In 90S (2025)
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