Number Of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger Players (2025)

1. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger - Memory Alpha - Fandom

  • Summary · Background information · Credits

  • In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Harbinger you play a young Tirrion envoy of the elite Federation Diplomatic Corps, in training to be an ambassador between your people and the Federation. Upon arriving at Deep Space 9, you discover a murder has taken place, and your talents are needed to aid the crew in solving it. Mysterious aliens have also arrived on board, who may be friend or foe, and they have trouble speaking any language known to your people. You must struggle to solve the murder and find

2. Harbinger (game) | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom

  • Joining forces with the crew of Deep Space 9, you battle deadly unmanned drones. Track down the space station murderer and match strategies with an aggressive ...

  • For other uses, see Harbinger. Harbinger is a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine game published in 1996. A powerful plasma storm has rocked Deep Space 9 and a Federation officer has been murdered. An omen of the chaos to unfold in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine—Harbinger. You are a Tirrion envoy of the elite Federation Diplomatic Corps. Joining forces with the crew of Deep Space 9, you battle deadly unmanned drones. Track down the space station murderer and match strategies with an aggressive alien race. Al

3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger (1995) - MobyGames

4. Star Trek, Deep Space Nine: Harbinger -

  • The great appeal of this game will be that it requires skills in many different facets such as, diplomacy, bargaining, tactics, orienteering and, of course, ...

  • Star Trek, Deep Space Nine: Harbinger

5. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE 9 - HARBINGER - The Collection Chamber

  • 12 apr 2019 · A hybrid adventure game by Stormfront Studios called Harbinger. You play not as a member of Commander Sisko's crew, but as Envoy Bannick seeking safety.

  • Out of all of the Star Trek spin-offs, Deep Space 9 is arguably one of the best though it is somewhat underrepresented in video-game form...

6. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger Attributes, Tech Specs ...

  • Number of Offline Players: 1 Player. Notes: 10MB free HD space. Macintosh +. Business Model: Commercial. Minimum CPU Class Required: Motorola 68040. Minimum OS ...

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger attributes, tech specs, ratings

7. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Harbinger (MS-DOS 1996)

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Harbinger (MS-DOS 1996) ; ej terry. Cadet. Newbie. Mar 1, 2021 · #1 ; NCC-73515. Vice Admiral. Admiral. Mar 2, 2021. #2.

  • messed up my last thread whoops heres the video

8. Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Harbinger - ESRB Ratings

  • Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Harbinger - Everyone - .

9. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger - Reviews

  • How long is Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!

10. Star Trek Deep Space 9 Harbinger - PC Review - Coming Soon Magazine

  • In a move that shocked the computer industry to no end, another Star Trek game has been released. Developed by Stormfront and published by Viacom NewMedia, " ...

  • by

11. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Harbinger - Super Chart Island

  • 8 jan 2020 · Within slow and mouse-based games there are also a range of possibilities, and Harbinger, made by different developers, exists in a quite ...

  • Stormfront/Ocean, PC, 1996

Number Of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger Players (2025)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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