iTWire - US Cellular picks Ericsson for 5G rural upgrade (2024)

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  • US Cellular picks Ericsson for 5G rural upgrade

Wednesday, 07 August 2024 11:30

US Cellular picks Ericsson for 5G rural upgrade

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By Kenn Anthony Mendoza

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Regional US carrier US Cellular has deployed the technology of Swedish telco equipment provider Ericsson to support its 5G network infrastructure upgrade in rural areas.

US Cellular tapped Ericsson’s Router 6000 portfolio including model 6671 to bolster its 5G transport infrastructure.

“This collaboration is about more than just connectivity – it’s about empowering communities while boosting local economies and enabling modern digital services,” says US Cellular vice president of technology, strategy, and architecture Narothum Saxena.

“From supporting fixed wireless access solutions and enhancing mobility to improving access to essential services like online education and healthcare, together with Ericsson we are committed to transforming rural America’s digital landscape.”

The collaboration also leverages Ericsson’s advanced cell-site router technology to provide the necessary transport infrastructure for efficient utilization of mid-band spectrum for radio access network (RAN) deployment that both companies embarked on in 2023.

Ericsson claims the routers are designed for rural deployments, stating they can provide secure backhaul, site deployment flexibility, optimised port speeds and density for traffic aggregation, and advanced synchronisation for RAN performance.

“By using our advanced Router 6671 alongside New Radio Time Division Duplexing (NR TDD) technology, US Cellular is delivering unprecedented connectivity and broadband speeds in its markets,” says Ericsson North America vice president and chief technology officer for customer unit regional customers Bill Chotiner.

US Cellular is one of the biggest regional cell carriers in the US. It serves four million mobiles across 21 US states in mostly rural areas.

Data Centre Dynamics reported that T-Mobile acquired around 30% of US Cellular’s wireless spectrum for US$4.4 billion. US Cellular will retain 70% of its wireless spectrum towers.

However, six US Senators objected to this deal, arguing that this would discourage competition.

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Kenn Anthony Mendoza

Kenn Anthony Mendoza is the newest member of the iTWire team. Kenn is also a contributing writer for South China Morning Post Style, and has written stories on Korean entertainment, Asian and European royalty, Millionaires and Billionaires, and LGBTQIA+ issues. He has been published in Philippine newspapers, magazines, and online sites:Tatler Philippines,Manila Bulletin,CNN Philippines Life,Philippine Star,Manila Times, andThe Daily Tribune.Kenn now covers all aspects of technology news for

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    “The partnership will also allow NRTC members to construct, own, secure, and physically maintain LTE/5G-ready sites as needed to provide wireless coverage and capacity for legacy system retirement and grid modernization objectives,” Ericsson said in a statement.

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    Emilio Romeo, Head of Ericsson, New Zealand and Australia, says: “This partnership extension validates and further supports the strength of the work Ericsson has done to deliver on 2degrees’ vision to be the number-one performing network in New Zealand as it strives to set the industry benchmark for network performance. Through our collaboration with 2degrees, Ericsson’s RAN innovation is transforming the telecommunications landscape in New Zealand and providing a superior customer experience and service for all New Zealanders.”

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    Optus claimed an average increase in user throughput of 22% was achieved during pilot testing, across multiple users and cells in a commercial network deployment, with the Interference Sensing functionality enabled.

    Ericsson’s solution aims to transform network operations, improve performance, and deliver user experience.

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    The technology solves issues involving increased inter cell interference as 5G traffic load increases. The pilot in Optus’ live network showcased how Interference Sensing addresses inter cell interference issues as 5G networks densify.

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    “It has been an immense opportunity to collaborate with Optus for this first demonstration of our technology on their network. This technology will enable Optus to unlock new capacity and speed capabilities, opening the door to exciting use cases for consumers and enterprises in the 5G Advanced era.”

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    Dipan Patel, Telstra InfraCo’s Digital Infrastructure Solutions Executive, said InfraCo is focused on delivering the resilient, redundant connectivity necessary for today’s digital economy.

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    “Australian businesses, government organisations and consumers increasingly rely on digital tools and services. Issues on InfraCo’s core fibre network are rare, butwhen they happen it’s vital to get our customers’ services back up and running fast. After a successful customer trial, we’re pleased to offer this feature to all our wholesale customers. The Core Restoration feature will help service providers minimise disruption for their customers and users by restoring traffic to another path in minutes,” Patel said.

    “Core Restoration is a unique enhancement as it draws on the three diverse fibre paths on our 6 intercapital routes,” “It is another step in our strategy to leverage our investment in networks and technologies to deliver the most reliable, resilient, high-capacity wavelength services for our customers.”

    According to Telstra InfraCo, core restoration adds to the range of resilience options on Wholesale Wavelength services, giving customers more choice in how to tailor solutions to suit their needs

    “Telstra, through its technology partner Ericsson, is using Ciena’s 6500 Packet-Optical Platform powered by WaveLogic 5 Extreme (WL5e) programmable 800Gbps coherent technology. The photonic control plane feature in Ciena’s 6500 platform is powering Telstra’s core-restoration feature, enabling the restoration of affected traffic by intelligently re-routing it through an alternative route over a diverse fibre link.”

    “There are many reasons for potential service disruption, but the dizzying rate of digitisation in Australia and around the world leaves little room for interruptions to connectivity. Using the 6500’s photonic control plane, Telstra is staying ahead of the game by proactively exploring options to boost the availability and efficiency of its network,” said Matt Hayes, Regional Managing Director, Ciena.

    Emilio Romeo, Head of Ericsson Australia and New Zealand, says: “We are pleased to work with Telstra and Ciena to drive this innovative core restoration advancement in Telstra’s network. It will not only minimise downtime but also strengthen the resilience of Australia’s telecommunications infrastructure. Innovations like these ensure reliable and efficient connectivity for Australian businesses and consumers.”

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    GUEST EVENT: Each year, TelSoc hosts the Henry Sutton Oration in Melbourne to commemorate the distinguished but scarcely known Victorian scientist, engineer, and inventor from Ballarat. Please join us for TelSoc’s Henry Sutton Oration for 2024 on Tuesday, 28 May.

    The Henry Sutton Oration is named after Henry Sutton, a prolific Victorian inventor and innovator. Henry Sutton was born in Ballarat, Victoria in 1855. He was an Australian designer, engineer, and inventor credited with contributions to early developments in electricity, aviation, wireless communication, printing, photography, and telephony. A contemporary of Nikolai Tesla and Alexander Graham Bell, he met with each of them to discuss their relative discoveries and inventions.

    This year's Orator is Emilio Romeo, CEO and managing director of Ericsson Australia and New Zealand
    The Oration is called: The Next Wave of Digitisation: Accelerating the shift to differentiated value
    Digitalisation and mobile technology have revolutionised the world and enriched the lives of almost every person on earth. Over the coming years, we’ll see an acceleration of major cross-industry trends such as electrification, the green revolution, resilient supply chains, and efficiency through automation.

    Emilio Romeo was appointed CEO and managing director of Ericsson Australia and New Zealand in January 2016. He is member of the leadership team for Market Area Southeast Asia, India, and Oceania, and leads the Australian and New Zealand leadership team, having previously been a member for over eight years. Emilio is an experienced business leader with over 30 years experience in the telecommunications and IT industry.

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    As a senior executive at Ericsson for over 20 years, Emilio has held a number of senior leadership roles including director, Telstra customer unit where he was responsible for securing and building Ericsson’s strategic partnership over five years. Prior to this, he was the director, Vodafone Hutchinson Australia customer unit and director, Hutchinson and 3GIS customer units. He has also held various senior sales and IT management positions within Ericsson and before this, BHP.
    Taking pride in customer relationships, he has been instrumental in driving business and technology evolution for customers across Australia and has played a key role in establishing Ericsson’s market leadership position in the region. Emilio is also passionate about driving a diverse workforce and implementing programs to encourage and cement inclusive work practices.

    Event details: Book at
    Date and time: Tue, 28 May 2024 11:45-14:00 AEST
    Location: Angliss Restaurant
    550 Lt Latrobe Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia

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iTWire - US Cellular picks Ericsson for 5G rural upgrade (2024)
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