International Standard-Setting Activities (2024)

International Standard-Setting Activities (1)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

a credit record, evidence the borrower

has adequate repayment ability for the

loan amount requested and if the

condition and location of the property

meet program guidelines. All

information is necessary to confirm the

borrower qualifies for all assistance for

which they are eligible.

Description of Respondents:

Businesses or other for-profits; Not-for-

profit institutions.

Number of Respondents: 1.

Frequency of Responses: Annually.

Total Burden Hours: 4.

Levi S. Harrell,

Departmental Information Collection

Clearance Officer.

[FR Doc. 2023–17181 Filed 8–9–23; 8:45 am]



U.S. Codex Office

[Docket No. USDA–2023–0011]

International Standard-Setting



: Trade and Foreign Agricultural

Affairs (TFAA), USDA.


: Notice.


: This notice informs the public

of the sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS)

standard-setting activities of the Codex

Alimentarius (Codex), in accordance

with section 491 of the Trade

Agreements Act of 1979, as amended,

and the Uruguay Round Agreements

Act. This notice also provides a list of

other standard-setting activities of

Codex, including commodity standards,

guidelines, codes of practice, and

revised texts. This notice, which covers

Codex activities during the time periods

of June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023 and

June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024, seeks

comments on standards under

consideration and recommendations for

new standards.


: Comments must be received on

or before October 13, 2023.


: The U.S. Codex Office

(USCO) invites interested persons to

submit their comments on this notice.

Comments may be submitted by one of

the following methods:

Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: This

website provides the ability to type

short comments directly into the

comment field on this web page or

attach a file for lengthier comments. Go

to Follow

the on-line instructions at the website

for submitting comments.

Mail: Send to Docket Clerk, U.S.

Department of Agriculture, Trade and

Foreign Agricultural Affairs, U.S. Codex

Office, 1400 Independence Avenue SW,

Mailstop S4861, Washington, DC


Hand- or courier-delivered

submittals: Deliver to 1400

Independence Avenue SW, Room 4861,

Washington, DC 20250–3700.

Instructions: All items submitted by

mail or email are to include the Agency

name (i.e., USCO) and docket number

USDA–2023–0011. Comments received

in response to this docket will be made

available for public inspection and

posted without change, including any

personal information to http://

Please state that your comments refer

to Codex. If your comments relate to

specific Codex committees, please

identify the committee(s) in your

comments and submit a copy of your

comments to the U.S. delegate to the


Docket: For access to background

documents or comments received, email to schedule an



: Ms.

Mary Frances Lowe, United States

Manager for Codex Alimentarius, U.S.

Department of Agriculture, Office of the

Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign

Agricultural Affairs, U.S. Codex Office,

1400 Independence Avenue SW, Room

4861, Washington, DC 20250–3700,

Email:, Telephone:


For information pertaining to

committees, contact the U.S. delegate

for that committee. A complete list of

delegates and alternate delegates is

accessible via the internet at: https://


officials.pdf. Documents pertaining to

Codex and specific committee agendas

are accessible via the internet at http://

codexalimentarius/meetings/en/. The

U.S. Codex Office also maintains a

website at, a

link that offers an email subscription

service providing access to information

related to Codex. Customers can add or

delete their subscription themselves and

have the option to password protect

their accounts.




The World Trade Organization (WTO)

was established on January 1, 1995, as

the common international institutional

framework for the conduct of trade

relations among its members in matters

related to the Uruguay Round Trade

Agreements. The WTO is the successor

organization to the General Agreement

on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). United

States membership in the WTO was

approved and the Uruguay Round

Agreements Act (Uruguay Round

Agreements) was signed into law by the

President on December 8, 1994, Public

Law 103–465, 108 Stat. 4809. The

Uruguay Round Agreements became

effective with respect to the United

States on January 1, 1995. The Uruguay

Round Agreements amended the Trade

Agreements Act of 1979. Pursuant to

section 491 of the Trade Agreements Act

of 1979, as amended, the President is

required to designate an agency to be

‘‘responsible for informing the public of

the sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS)

standard-setting activities of each

international standard-setting

organization’’ (19 U.S.C. 2578). The

main international standard-setting

organizations are the Codex

Alimentarius (Codex), the World

Organisation for Animal Health

(WOAH, founded as OIE), and the

International Plant Protection

Convention (IPPC). The President,

pursuant to Proclamation No. 6780 of

March 23, 1995, (60 FR 15845),

designated the U.S. Department of

Agriculture as the agency responsible

for informing the public of the SPS

standard-setting activities of each

international standard-setting

organization. The Secretary of

Agriculture has delegated to the Trade

and Foreign Agricultural Affairs

Mission Area the responsibility to

inform the public of the SPS standard-

setting activities of Codex. The Trade

and Foreign Agricultural Affairs

Mission Area has, in turn, assigned the

responsibility for informing the public

of the SPS standard-setting activities of

Codex to the U.S. Codex Office (USCO).

Codex was created in 1963 by two

United Nations organizations, the Food

and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and

the World Health Organization (WHO).

Codex is the principal international

organization for establishing standards

for food. Through adoption of food

standards, codes of practice, and other

guidelines developed by its committees,

and by promoting their adoption and

implementation by governments, Codex

seeks to protect the health of consumers,

ensure fair practices in the food trade,

and promote coordination of food

standards work undertaken by

international governmental and

nongovernmental organizations. In the

United States, U.S. Codex activities are

managed and carried out by the United

States Department of Agriculture

(USDA); the Food and Drug

Administration (FDA), Department of

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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

International Standard-Setting Activities (2)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

Health and Human Services (HHS); the

National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA), Department of

Commerce (DOC); and the

Environmental Protection Agency


As the agency responsible for

informing the public of the SPS

standard-setting activities of Codex, the

USCO publishes this notice in the

Federal Register annually. Attachment

1: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Activities

of Codex sets forth the following


1. The SPS standards under

consideration or planned for

consideration; and

2. For each SPS standard specified:

a. A description of the consideration

or planned consideration of the


b. Whether the United States is

participating or plans to participate in

the consideration of the standard

c. The agenda for United States

participation, if any; and

d. The agency responsible for

representing the United States with

respect to the standard.

To obtain copies of the standards

listed in Attachment 1: Sanitary and

Phytosanitary Activities of Codex,

please contact the U.S. delegate or the

U.S. Codex Office.

This notice also solicits public

comment on standards that are currently

under consideration or planned for

consideration and recommendations for

new standards. The U.S. delegate, in

conjunction with the responsible

agency, will take the comments received

into account in participating in the

consideration of the standards and in

proposing matters to be considered by


The U.S. delegate will facilitate public

participation in the United States

Government’s activities relating to

Codex. The U.S. delegate will maintain

a list of individuals, groups, and

organizations that have expressed an

interest in the activities of the Codex

committees and will disseminate

information regarding U.S. delegation

activities to interested parties. This

information will include the status of

each agenda item; the U.S.

Government’s position or preliminary

position on each agenda item; and the

time and place of planning meetings

and debriefing meetings following the

Codex committee sessions. In addition,

the USCO makes much of the same

information available through its web

page at If

you would like to access or receive

information about specific committees,

please visit the web page or notify the

appropriate U.S. delegate or the U.S.

Codex Office, Room 4861, 1400

Independence Avenue SW, Washington,

DC 20250–3700, Email: uscodex@

The information provided in

Attachment 1: Sanitary and

Phytosanitary Activities of Codex

describes the status of Codex standard-

setting activities by the Codex

committees for the time periods from

June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023 and June

1, 2023 to May 31, 2024. A list of

forthcoming Codex sessions may be

found at:


Additional Public Notification

Public awareness of all segments of

rulemaking and policy development is

important. Consequently, the USCO will

announce this Federal Register

publication on-line through the U.S.

Codex web page located at: https://


Done at Washington, DC.

Mary Frances Lowe,

U.S. Manager for Codex Alimentarius.

Attachment 1: Sanitary and

Phytosanitary Activities of Codex

Codex Alimentarius Commission and

Executive Committee

The Codex Alimentarius Commission

(Commission or CAC) convened its 45th

Session (CAC45) from November 21–25,

2022, in Rome, Italy, with report

adoption taking place virtually on

December 12–13, 2022 and continued

by written procedure. The relevant

document is REP22/CAC. The actions

taken by the Commission at CAC45 (e.g.,

adoption and revocation of standards,

approval of new work, discontinuation

of work, amendments, etc.) are

described below under the respective

Codex committees.

The Commission is scheduled to

convene its 46th Session (CAC46) from

November 27 to December 2, 2023. At

its 46th Session, the Commission will

consider adopting standards

recommended by committees at Step 8

or 5/8 (final adoption) and advance the

work of committees by adopting draft

standards at Step 5 (interim adoption,

for further comment and consideration

by the relevant committee). The

Commission will also consider

revocation of Codex texts; proposals for

new work; discontinuation of work;

amendments to Codex standards and

related texts; and matters arising from

the Reports of the Commission, the

Executive Committee, and subsidiary

bodies. Although the agenda for the

46th Session is not yet available, it is

expected that the Commission will also

consider Codex budgetary and financial

matters; FAO/WHO scientific support to

Codex (activities, budgetary and

financial matters); matters arising from

FAO/WHO; reports of side events;

election of the chairperson and vice-

chairpersons and members of the

Executive Committee elected on a

geographical basis; designation of

countries responsible for appointing the

chairpersons of Codex subsidiary

bodies; any other business; and

adoption of the report.

The Executive Committee (CCEXEC)

is composed of the Commission

chairperson; vice-chairpersons; seven

members elected by the Commission

from each of the following geographic

regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin

America and the Caribbean, Near East,

North America, and the South West

Pacific; and regional coordinators from

the six regional coordinating

committees. The United States currently

participates as an advisor to Canada, the

member elected on a geographical basis

from North America.

CCEXEC convened its 82nd Session

(CCEXEC82) virtually June 20–24, 2022,

with virtual report adoption on June 30,

2022. The relevant document is REP22/

EXEC1. CCEXEC82 conducted Critical

Review of the standards development

work of the Codex Committees on Fats

and Oils (CCFO), Nutrition and Foods

for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU),

Food Hygiene (CCFH), and Residues of

Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF).

CCEXEC82 also considered the progress

of three Sub-Committees concerned

with (1) the development of practical

guidance on the application of the

Statements of Principle concerning the

Role of Science in the Codex decision-

making process and the extent to which

other factors are taken into account, (2)

new food sources and production

systems, and (3) a model for future

Codex work; reviewed and made

recommendations to the Directors

General of FAO and WHO on

applications from international non-

governmental organizations for observer

status in Codex; and discussed the

status of work under the Codex Strategic

Plan 2020–2025 and plans for

commemorating the 60th Anniversary of

the CAC in 2023. The report and

recommendations of CCEXEC82 were

considered by the Codex Alimentarius

Commission at its 45th Session (CAC45,

November 2022).

CCEXEC convened its 83rd Session

(CCEXEC83) from November 14 to 18,

2022, in Rome, Italy. The relevant

document is REP22/EXEC2. In addition

to making recommendations to CAC45

on the work of Codex committees,

CCEXEC83 discussed practical guidance

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International Standard-Setting Activities (3)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

on the application of the Statements of

Principle concerning the Role of Science

in the Codex decision-making process

and the extent to which other factors are

taken into account; new food sources

and production systems; the Future of

Codex; the Codex Strategic Plan 2020–

2025; and the 60th anniversary of the


CCEXEC convened its 84th Session

(CCEXEC84) from July 10–14, 2023, in

Geneva, Switzerland. The relevant

document is REP23/EXEC1. In addition

to discussing recommendations to

CAC46 on the work of Codex

committees, CCEXEC84 discussed the

Blueprint on the Future of Codex;

recommendations on the Future of

Codex in the context of 60th anniversary

celebrations; monitoring the

implementation of the Codex Strategic

Plan 2020–2023; and plans for the

development of the Codex Strategic Plan

for 2026–2031. The Executive

Committee also considered the

following agenda items: applications

from international non-governmental

organizations for observer status in

Codex; and regional standards. The

Executive Committee agenda for the

85th Session (CCEXEC85, November

2023) is not yet available.

Responsible Agency: USDA/TFAA/


U.S. Participation: Yes, as advisor to

Canada (current CCEXEC member

elected on a geographical basis from

North America).

Codex Committee on Contaminants in


The Codex Committee on

Contaminants in Foods (CCCF)

establishes or endorses permitted

maximum levels (MLs) and guideline

levels (GLs) for contaminants and

naturally occurring toxicants in food

and feed; prepares priority lists of

contaminants and naturally occurring

toxicants for risk assessment by the Joint

FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food

Additives (JECFA); considers and

elaborates methods of analysis and

sampling for the determination of

contaminants and naturally occurring

toxicants in food and feed; considers

and elaborates standards or codes of

practice for related subjects; and

considers other matters assigned to it by

the Commission in relation to

contaminants and naturally occurring

toxicants in food and feed.

The Committee had the following

items which were considered and

approved by the 45th Session of the

Codex Alimentarius Commission

(CAC45) in November 2022:

Final Adoption at Step 8 or Step 5/8

Code of Practice for the Prevention

and Reduction of Cadmium

Contamination in Cocoa Beans (CXC


ML for cadmium in cocoa powder

(100% cocoa solids on a dry matter


MLs for lead in cereal-based foods for

infants and young children, white and

refined sugar, corn and maple syrups,

honey and sugar-based candies

MLs for methylmercury in orange

roughy and pink cusk eel

MLs for total aflatoxins (AFT) in

maize grain, destined for further

processing; flour meal, semolina and

flakes derived from maize; husked

rice; polished rice; sorghum grain,

destined for further processing;

cereal-based food for infants and

young children (excluding foods for

food aid programs); and cereal-based

food for infants and young children

for food aid programs

Interim Adoption at Step 5

ML for lead in ready-to-eat meals for

infants and young children

Draft Code of Practice for Prevention

and Reduction of Mycotoxin

Contamination in Cassava and

Cassava-Based Products


Work on MLs for lead in fresh eggs,

dried garlic, and molasses

The CCCF convened its 16th Session

(CCCF16) from April 17–21, 2023, in

Utrecht, Netherlands, with report

adoption taking place virtually on April

26, 2023. The relevant document is

REP23/CF16. CCCF16 advanced the

following items for consideration by the

CAC46 in November 2023:

For final adoption at Step 8 and Step 5/


MLs for lead for soft brown, raw, and

non-centrifugal sugars

MLs for lead for ready-to-eat meals for

infants and young children

Code of Practice for Prevention and

Reduction of Mycotoxin

Contamination in Cassava and

Cassava-Based Products

Sampling plans for total aflatoxins in

certain cereals and cereal-based

products including foods for infants

and young children

MLs for Ochratoxin A (OTA) in chili

pepper, paprika and nutmeg; and

MLs for total aflatoxins (AFT) in chili

pepper and nutmeg

For Approval as New Work

Code of Practice/Guidelines for the

Prevention or Reduction of Ciguatera


For Discontinuation

Work on AFT in ginger, paprika, black

and white pepper, and turmeric.

The CCCF is scheduled to convene its

17th session (CCCF17) from April 15–

19, 2024. The CCCF17 location and

agenda are currently unavailable.

The Committee is expected to

continue working on:

ML for total aflatoxins in ready to-eat

(RTE) peanuts and associated

sampling plan (definition of RTE


Sampling plans for OTA and AFT

(chili pepper, paprika, and nutmeg)

New work on a Code of Practice/

Guidelines for the prevention or

reduction of ciguatera poisoning

Discussion paper on pyrrolizidine


Discussion paper on new measures

supporting the revision of the Code of

Practice for the Prevention and

Reduction of Aflatoxin Contamination

in Peanuts (CXC 55–2004)

Discussion paper on new measures

supporting the revision of the Code of

Practice for the Reduction of

Aflatoxin B1 in Raw Materials and

Supplemental Feeding Stuffs for Milk-

Producing Animals (CXC 45–1997)

Discussion paper on the need and

feasibility of possible follow up

actions on tropane alkaloids

Discussion paper on possible risk

management measure(s) for

acrylamide in foods, taking into

account the most recent JECFA


Discussion paper on the development

of a Code of Practice for the

Prevention and Reduction of

Cadmium Contamination in Foods

General guidance on data analysis for

development of maximum levels and

improved data collection

Review of Codex standards for


Follow-up work to the outcomes of

JECFA evaluations and FAO/WHO

expert consultations

Reconsider the opportunity to

develop discussion papers on the

need and feasibility of possible

follow-up actions on ergot alkaloids

and trichothecenes (T–2, HT–2 and


Priority list of contaminants for

evaluation by JECFA

Responsible Agencies: HHS/FDA;

USDA/Food Safety and Inspection

Service (FSIS).

U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Fats and Oils

The Codex Committee on Fats and

Oils (CCFO) is responsible for

elaborating worldwide standards for fats

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International Standard-Setting Activities (4)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

and oils of animal, vegetable, and

marine origin, including margarine and

olive oil.

The Committee had the following

items which were considered and

approved by CAC45 in November 2022:

Final Adoption at Step 8 and Step 5/8

Revision to the Standard for Named

Vegetable Oils (CXS 210–1999):

Essential composition of sunflower

seed oils

Interim Adoption at Step 5

Draft revision to the Standard for

Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210–

1999): Inclusion of avocado oil

Approved as New Work

Amendment/revision to the Standard

for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210–

1999) to include camellia seed oil;

sacha inchi oil; and high oleic acid

soya bean oil

Amendment/revision to the Standard

for Fish Oils (CXS 329–2017) to

include Calanus oil

The CCFO is scheduled to convene for

its 23rd Session (CCFO23) from

February 19–23, 2024, in Kuala Lumpur,

Malaysia. The CCFO23 agenda is

currently unavailable.

The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

Amendment/Revision of the Standard

for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210–

1999): inclusion of avocado oil

Revision of the Standard for Olive

Oils and Pomace Olive Oils (CXS 33–


Amendment/Revision of the Standard

for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210–

1999): inclusion of camellia seed oil

Amendment/Revision of the Standard

for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210–

1999): inclusion of sacha inchi oil

Amendment/Revision of the Standard

for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210–

1999): inclusion of high oleic acid

soya bean oil

Amendment/Revision of the Standard

for Fish Oils (CXS 329–2017):

inclusion of Calanus oil

Consideration of proposals on new

substances to be added to the List of

Acceptable Previous Cargoes

Responsible Agencies: HHS/FDA/

Center for Food Safety and Applied

Nutrition (CFSAN); USDA/Agricultural

Research Service (ARS).

U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery


The Committee on Fish and Fishery

Products (CCFFP) is responsible for

elaborating standards for fresh, frozen,

and otherwise processed fish,

crustaceans, and mollusks. The CCFFP

is working by correspondence and is

expected to complete its pending work

by October 1, 2023.

The Committee is working on:

The Standard for Canned Sardines

and Sardine-Type Products (CXS 94–

1981), inclusion of the fish species S.

lemuru (Bali Sardinella) in the list of

Sardinella species under Section 2.1

Responsible Agencies: HHS/FDA;

DOC/NOAA/National Marine Fisheries

Service (NMFS).

U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Food Additives

The Codex Committee on Food

Additives (CCFA) establishes or

endorses acceptable MLs for individual

food additives; prepares a priority list of

food additives for risk assessment by the

JECFA; assigns functional classes to

individual food additives; recommends

specifications of identity and purity for

food additives for adoption by the

Codex Alimentarius Commission;

considers methods of analysis for the

determination of additives in food; and

considers and elaborates standards or

codes of practice for related subjects

such as the labeling of food additives

when sold as such.

The CCFA convened its 53rd Session

(CCFA53) from March 27–31, 2023, in

Hong Kong, China. The relevant

document is REP23/FA. CCFA53

advanced the following items for

consideration by the CAC46 in

November 2023:

For Final Adoption at Step 8 and Step


Inclusion of the provision for

trisodium citrate (INS 331(iii)) in FC

01.1.1 in the General Standard for

Food Additives (GSFA) (CXS 192–


Inclusion of the provisions for food

additives in FC 14.2.3 (CXS 192–


Inclusion of the provisions for

riboflavin, synthetic (INS 101(i)),

riboflavin 5-phosphate sodium (INS

101(ii)), riboflavin from Bacillus

subtilis (INS 101(iii)), riboflavin from

Ashbya gossypii (INS 101(iv)) and

spirulina extract (INS 134) in Table 3

(CXS 192–1995)

Proposed draft revision of the Class

Names and the International

Numbering System for Food Additives

(CXG 36–1989)

Proposed draft Specifications for the

Identity and Purity of Food Additives

(CXA 6–2021)

The CCFA is scheduled to convene its

54th Session (CCFA54) from April 22–

26, 2024. The CCFA54 agenda is

currently unavailable.

The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

The alignment and the endorsem*nt

of food-additive provisions referred

by commodity committees

New or revised provisions of the


Revision of the Class Names and the

International Numbering System for

Food Additives (CXG 36–1989)

Proposal for additions and changes to

the Priority List of Substances

proposed for evaluation by JECFA

Mapping food categories of the GFSA

to the FoodEx2 Database

Discussion paper on the development

of a standard for yeast

Discussion paper to identify the

outstanding issues with respect to

avoiding future divergence between

the GSFA, commodity standards and

other texts

Responsible Agency: HHS/FDA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Food Hygiene

The Codex Committee on Food

Hygiene (CCFH) is responsible for

developing basic provisions on food

hygiene applicable to all food;

considering and amending or endorsing

provisions on food hygiene contained in

Codex commodity standards and Codex

codes of practice developed by other

committees; considering specific food

hygiene problems assigned to it by the

Commission; suggesting and prioritizing

areas where there is a need for

microbiological risk assessment at the

international level and developing

questions to be addressed by the risk

assessors; and considering

microbiological risk management

matters in relation to food hygiene and

in relation to the FAO/WHO risk


The Committee had the following

items which were considered and

approved by the CAC45 in November


Final Adoption at Step 8

Guidelines on the Management of

Biological Foodborne Outbreaks (CXG


Proposed draft Decision Tree as an

Annex to the General Principles of

Food Hygiene (CXC 1–1969)

The CCFH convened its 53rd Session

(CCFH53) from November 27–December

2, 2022, in San Diego, California, with

report adoption taking place virtually on

December 8, 2022. The relevant

document is REP 23/FH. CCFH53

advanced the following items for

consideration by the CAC46 in

November 2023:

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International Standard-Setting Activities (5)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

For Final Adoption at Step 5/8

Draft Guidelines for the Control of

Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia

coli (STEC) in Raw Beef, Fresh Leafy

Vegetables, Raw Milk and Raw Milk

Cheeses, and Sprouts (General

Section, Annex I on Raw Beef, and

Annex III on Raw Milk and Raw Milk


Draft Guidelines for the Safe Use and

Reuse of Water in Food Production

and Processing (General Section and

Annex I on Fresh Produce)

For Approval as New Work

Revision of the Guidelines on the

Application of General Principles of

Food Hygiene to the Control of

Pathogenic Vibrio Species in Seafood


Guidelines for Food Hygiene Control

Measures in Traditional Markets for


The CCFH is scheduled to convene its

54th Session (CCFH54) from March 11–

15, 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya. The

CCFH54 agenda is currently


The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

Proposed Draft Guidelines for the

Control of Shiga Toxin-Producing

Escherichia coli (STEC) in Raw Beef,

Raw Milk and Raw Milk Cheeses,

Fresh Leafy Vegetables, and Sprouts:

(Annex II on Fresh Leafy Vegetables

and Annex IV on Sprouts)

Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Safe

Use and Reuse of Water in Food

Production: Annex II on Fisheries and

Annex III on Dairy Products)

Proposed Draft Guidelines for Food

Hygiene Control Measures in

Traditional Markets for Food

Revision of the Guidelines on the

Application of General Principles of

Food Hygiene to the Control of

Pathogenic Vibrio Species in Seafood

(CXG 73–2010)

Alignment of other CCFH documents

with the revised General Principles of

Food Hygiene (CXC 1–1969)

Discussion paper on revision of the

Guidelines on the Application of

General Principles of Food Hygiene to

the Control of Viruses in Food (CXG


Discussion paper on revision of the

Guidelines for the Control of

Campylobacter and Salmonella in

Chicken Meat (CXG 78–2011)

Discussion paper on revision of the

Guidelines on the Application of

General Principles of Food Hygiene to

the Control of Listeria monocytogenes

in Foods (CXG 61–2007)

New work proposals/forward


Responsible Agencies: HHS/FDA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Food Import and

Export Inspection and Certification


The Codex Committee on Food Import

and Export Inspection and Certification

Systems (CCFICS) is responsible for

developing principles and guidelines for

food import and export inspection and

certification systems, with a view to

harmonizing methods and procedures

that protect the health of consumers,

ensure fair trading practices, and

facilitate international trade in

foodstuffs; developing principles and

guidelines for the application of

measures by the competent authorities

of exporting and importing countries to

provide assurance, where necessary,

that foodstuffs comply with

requirements, especially statutory

health requirements; developing

guidelines for the utilization, as and

when appropriate, of quality assurance

systems to ensure that foodstuffs

conform with requirements and promote

the recognition of these systems in

facilitating trade in food products under

bilateral/multilateral arrangements by

countries; developing guidelines and

criteria with respect to format,

declarations, and language of such

official certificates as countries may

require with a view towards

international harmonization; making

recommendations for information

exchange in relation to food import/

export control; consulting as necessary

with other international groups working

on matters related to food inspection

and certification systems; and

considering other matters assigned to it

by the Commission in relation to food

inspection and certification systems.

The Committee had the following

item which was considered and

approved by the CAC45 in November


Approved as New Work

Development of principles and

guidelines on the use of remote audit

and verification in regulatory


The CCFICS convened its 26th

Session from May 1–5, 2023, in Hobart,

Tasmania, Australia. The relevant

document is REP 23/FICS. The

Committee advanced the following

items for consideration by the CAC46 in

November 2023:

For Final Adoption at Step 8 and Step


Proposed draft guidelines on

recognition and maintenance of

equivalence of national food control

systems (NFCS)

Proposed draft principles and

guidelines on the use of remote audit

and inspection in regulatory


For Approval as New Work

Project document for the on review

and update of the Principles for

Traceability/Product Tracing as a

Tool within a Food Inspection and

Certification System (CXG 60–2006)

The CCFICS is scheduled to convene

its 27th Session (CCFICS27) from

September 16–20, 2024, in Australia.

The CCFICS27 agenda is currently


The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

Development of guidance on the

prevention and control of food fraud

Proposed draft consolidated Codex

guidelines related to equivalence

Reviewing and updating the list of

emerging global issues

Review and update of the Principles

for Traceability/Product Tracing as a

Tool Within a Food Inspection and

Certification System (CXG 60–2006)

Discussion paper and project

document on guidance on appeals

mechanisms in the context of

rejection of imported food

Discussion paper and project

document on the standardization of

sanitary requirements

Responsible Agencies: USDA/FSIS;


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Food Labelling

The Codex Committee on Food

Labelling (CCFL) drafts provisions on

labeling applicable to all foods;

considers, amends, and endorses draft

specific provisions on labeling prepared

by the Codex committees drafting

standards, codes of practice, and

guidelines; and studies specific labeling

problems assigned to it by the Codex

Alimentarius Commission. The

Committee also studies problems

associated with the advertisem*nt of

food with particular reference to claims

and misleading descriptions.

The CCFL convened its 47th Session

(CCFL47) from May 15–19, 2023, in

Gatineau (Ottawa), Canada. The relevant

document is REP23/FL. CCCFL47

advanced the following items for

consideration by the CAC46 in

November 2023:

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International Standard-Setting Activities (6)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

For Interim Adoption at Step 5

Proposed draft revision to the General

Standard for the Labelling of Pre-

packaged Foods (CXS 1–1985):

provisions relevant to allergen


Proposed draft Guidelines on the

Provision of Food Information for Pre-

packaged Foods to be Offered Via E-


Proposed draft Guidelines on the Use

of Technology to Provide Food


For approval as new work:

Amendments to the General Standard

for the Labelling of Prepackaged

Foods (CXS 1–1985): labelling of

prepackaged foods in joint

presentation and multipack formats

In addition, CCFL47 endorsed

labeling provisions in standards

developed by other Codex committees,

including the Codex Committee on

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CCFFV);

the Codex Committee on Spices and

Culinary Herbs (CCSCH); and the Codex

Coordinating Committee for Asia

(CCASIA). For the Standard for Dried

Floral Parts—Saffron, CCFL47 agreed to

endorse all labeling provisions except

those on country of origin and country

of harvest, referring these two

provisions back to the CCSCH for


The CCFL is scheduled to convene its

48th session (CCFL48) from October 28

to November 1, 2024, in Ottawa,

Canada. The CCFL48 agenda is

currently unavailable.

The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

Proposed draft Guidelines on the

Provision of Food Information for Pre-

packaged Foods to be Offered via E-


Proposed draft revision to the General

Standard for the Labelling of

Prepackaged Foods (CXS 1–1985):

Provisions relevant to allergen

labeling and guidelines on

precautionary allergen labeling

Proposed draft Guidelines on the Use

of Technology to Provide Food


Discussion Paper on the Labelling of

alcoholic beverages

Redrafting of the Discussion Paper on

the Application of food labelling

provisions in emergencies

Discussion Paper on Trans Fatty

Acids (TFA)

Redrafted Discussion Paper on

Sustainability Labelling Claims:

Revision to the General Guidelines on

Claims (CXG 1–1979)

Discussion Paper on the Definition for

Added Sugars

Update to the Discussion Paper on

Future work and Direction of CCFL

and Criteria for the evaluation and

prioritization of work of CCFL

Responsible Agencies: HHS/FDA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and


The Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits

and Vegetables (CCFFV) is responsible

for elaborating worldwide standards and

codes of practice, as may be appropriate,

for fresh fruits and vegetables,

consulting as necessary, with other

international organizations in the

standards development process to avoid


The Committee had the following

items which were considered and

approved by the CAC45 in November


Final Adoption at Step 5/8

Standard for onions and shallots

(CXS 348–2022)

Standard for berry fruits (not yet

published; document number not yet

assigned) Interim adoption at Step 5

Proposed draft standard for fresh


Approved as New Work

New regional standard for Castilla

lulo (approved to be undertaken as a

regional standard by the Regional

Coordinating Committee for Latin

America and the Caribbean)

New standard for fresh curry leaves

In addition, the Committee agreed to

the following item for internal use by

the Committee:

Glossary of terms used in the layout

for Codex standards for fresh fruits

and vegetables

The date and location of the 23rd

Session of the CCFFV (CCFFV23) have

not yet been determined. The CCFFV23

agenda is currently unavailable.

The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

New work proposals

Draft standard for fresh dates

Draft standard for fresh curry leaves

Responsible Agencies: USDA/

Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS),


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on General Principles

The Codex Committee on General

Principles (CCGP) is responsible for

procedural and general matters referred

to it by the Codex Alimentarius

Commission, including: (a) The review

or endorsem*nt of procedural

provisions/texts forwarded by other

subsidiary bodies for inclusion in the

Procedural Manual of the Codex

Alimentarius Commission; and (b) The

consideration and recommendation of

other amendments to the Procedural


The 33rd Session of the CCGP

(CCGP33) is scheduled for October 2–6,

2023, in Bordeaux, France.

The Committee is expected to discuss:

Revisions/amendments to Codex texts

Format and structure of the Codex

Procedural Manual

Review and possible amendments to

the rules of procedure on Sessions of

the Commission

Review and possible amendment of

the Principles concerning the

participation of international non-

governmental organizations in the

work of the Codex Alimentarius


Responsible Agencies: USDA/TFAA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Methods of

Analysis and Sampling

The Codex Committee on Methods of

Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS)

defines the criteria appropriate to Codex

Methods of Analysis and Sampling;

serves as a coordinating body for Codex

with other international groups working

on methods of analysis and sampling

and quality assurance systems for

laboratories; specifies, on the basis of

final recommendations submitted to it

by the bodies referred to above,

reference methods of analysis and

sampling appropriate to Codex

standards which are generally

applicable to a number of foods;

considers, amends if necessary, and

endorses as appropriate, methods of

analysis and sampling proposed by

Codex (commodity) committees, except

for those methods of analysis and

sampling for residues of pesticides or

veterinary drugs in food, the assessment

of microbiological quality and safety in

food, and the assessment of

specifications for food additives;

elaborates sampling plans and

procedures, as may be required;

considers specific sampling and

analysis problems submitted to it by the

Commission or any committees; and

defines procedures, protocols,

guidelines or related texts for the

assessment of food laboratory

proficiency, as well as quality assurance

systems for laboratories.

The CCMAS convened its 42nd

Session (CCMAS42) from June 12–16,

2023, in Budapest, Hungary, with

virtual report adoption on June 20,

2023. The relevant document is REP23/

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International Standard-Setting Activities (7)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

MAS. The Committee advanced the

following items for consideration at the

CAC46 in November 2023:

For Final Adoption at Step 8

Revised Guideline on Measurement

Uncertainty (CXG 54–2004)

For Revocation

General Standard for Methods for

Contaminants (CXS 228–2001)

The CCMAS is scheduled to convene

its 43rd Session CCMAS43 from May

13–17, 2024, in Budapest, Hungary. The

CCMAS43 agenda is currently


The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

Amendments to certain provisions in

Recommended Methods of Analysis

and Sampling (CXS 234–1999)

Review of methods for fish and

fishery products and fruit juices

Responsible Agencies: HHS/FDA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Nutrition and

Foods for Special Dietary Uses

The Codex Committee on Nutrition

and Foods for Special Dietary Uses

(CCNFSDU) is responsible for studying

nutrition issues referred to it by the

Codex Alimentarius Commission. The

Committee also drafts general

provisions, as appropriate, on

nutritional aspects of all foods and

develops standards, guidelines, or

related texts for foods for special dietary

uses in cooperation with other

committees where necessary; considers,

amends if necessary, and endorses

provisions on nutritional aspects

proposed for inclusion in Codex

standards, guidelines, and related texts.

The Committee had the following

item which was considered and

approved by the CAC45 in November


Final Adoption at Step 8

Guidelines for Ready-to-Use

Therapeutic Foods (RUTF)

The CCNFSDU convened its 43rd

Session (CCNFSDU43) from March 7–

10, 2023, in Dusseldorf, Germany, with

virtual report adoption on March 15,

2023. The relevant document is REP23/

NFSDU. CCNFSDU43 advanced the

following items for consideration by the

CAC46 in November 2023:

For Final Adoption at Step 8 and Step


Revised Standard for Follow-up

Formula (renamed as the Standard for

Follow-up Formula for Older Infants

and Product for Young Children)


For Interim Adoption at Step 5

General Principles for establishing

Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs–R)

for persons aged 6 to 36 months

The CCNFSDU is scheduled to

convene its 44th Session (CCNFSDU44)

from October 2–6, 2024. The

CCNFSDU44 location and agenda are

currently unavailable.

The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

General Principles for the

Establishment of Nutrient Reference

Values–Requirements (NRVs–R) for

persons aged 6–36 months

Collection and review of information

on the use and use levels for five

identified additives and their

technological justification

Redrafting of the prioritization

mechanism/emerging issues for new

work proposals

Redrafting a revised Discussion Paper

on harmonized probiotic guidelines

Redrafting the Discussion Paper on

Guidelines including General

Principles for the Nutritional

Composition of Foods and Beverages

made from Plant-based and other

Alternative Protein Sources

Responsible Agencies: HHS/FDA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues

The Codex Committee on Pesticide

Residues (CCPR) is responsible for

establishing maximum residue limits

(MRLs) for pesticide residues in specific

food items or in groups of food;

establishing MRLs for pesticide residues

in certain animal feeding stuffs moving

in international trade where this is

justified for reasons of protection of

human health; preparing priority lists of

pesticides for evaluation by the Joint

FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide

Residues (JMPR); considering methods

of sampling and analysis for the

determination of pesticide residues in

food and feed; considering other matters

in relation to the safety of food and feed

containing pesticide residues; and

establishing maximum limits for

environmental and industrial

contaminants showing chemical or

other similarity to pesticides in specific

food items or groups of food.

The Committee had the following

items which were considered and

approved by the CAC45 in November


Final Adoption at Step 8 and 5/8

Over 300 Maximum Residue Limits

(MRLs) for different combinations of


Guidelines for the recognition of

active substances or authorized uses

of active substances of low public

health concern that are considered

exempted from the establishment of

Codex maximum residue limits

(MRLs) or do not give rise to residues

Revision of Classification of Food and

Feed (CXA 4–1989): definitions for

edible offal, fat, meat, and muscle,

including the definitions for the

portion of the commodity to which

MRLs apply and which is analyzed

for fat and muscle; consequential

amendment to Class D, Processed

Food of Plant Origin; inclusion of

additional commodities for citrus

fruits pulps (dried) and oils (edible)

and soya flour

The CAC45 also discontinued work,

approved new work, and revoked

existing MRLs as recommended by

CCPR53, and noted the discontinuation

of discussion of review of the

international estimated short-term

intake (IESTI) equations.

The CCPR convened its 54th Session

(CCPR54) in Beijing, China from June

26–July 1, 2023. The relevant document

is REP23/PR. CCPR54 advanced the

following items for consideration by the

CAC46 in November 2023:

For final adoption at Step 8 and 5/8

Over 400 Maximum Residue Limits

(MRLs) for different combinations of


Revision of the Classification of Food

and Feed (CXA 4–1989):

Æthe revised Class B- Primary food

commodities of animal origin and

Class E -Processed Foods of Animal

Origin (All Types) and their

respective table of representative


Æthe consequential amendment to

Table 2, Subgroup 12C Eggplant

and eggplant-like commodities to

the Principles and Guidance on the

Selection of Representative

Commodities for the Extrapolation

of MRLs for Pesticides to

Commodity Groups (CXG 84–2012);

Æthe consequential amendment to

the revised definition for the

portion of the commodity to which

MRLs apply and which is analyzed

for Group 006—Tropical Fruits of

Inedible Peel and 023—Oil fruits;


Æthe consequential amendments to

the inclusion of new commodities/

commodity codes in Class A—

Primary food commodities of plant

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International Standard-Setting Activities (8)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

origin and Class D—Processed

commodities of plant origin

For Revocation

The Guidelines on Portion of

Commodities to which MRLs Apply

and which is Analyzed (CXG 41–

1993), noting that the Classification of

Food and Animal Feeds (CXA 4–

1989) should be the single,

authoritative reference of food and

feed for the establishment of MRLs for


For Approval as New Work

Guidance for monitoring the purity

and stability of reference materials of

multi-class pesticides during

prolonged storage

The CAC46 will also consider

discontinuation of work and revocation

of existing MRLs as recommended by


The CCPR is scheduled to convene its

55th Session (CCPR55) from June 3–8,

2024, in China. The CCPR55 agenda is

currently unavailable.

The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

Coordination of work between CCPR


Working Group on Compounds for

Dual Use

National registration of pesticides

Management of unsupported

compounds without public health

concern scheduled for periodic


Establishment of Codex schedules and

priority lists of pesticides for

evaluation/re-evaluation by JMPR

Enhancement of the operational

procedures of CCPR and JMPR

Responsible Agencies: EPA/Office of

Chemical Safety and Pollution

Prevention (OCSPP)/Office of Pesticide

Programs (OPP); USDA/FSIS.

U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Residues of

Veterinary Drugs in Foods

The Codex Committee on Residues of

Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF)

determines priorities for the

consideration of residues of veterinary

drugs in foods and recommends MRLs

for veterinary drugs. The Committee

also develops codes of practice, as may

be required, and considers methods of

sampling and analysis for the

determination of veterinary drug

residues in food.

The Committee had the following

item which was considered and

approved by the CAC45 in November


Interim Adoption at Step 5

MRLs for zilpaterol hydrochloride

(cattle kidney, liver, muscle)

The CCRVDF convened its 26th

Session (CCRVDF26) from February 13–

17, 2023, in Portland, Oregon. The

relevant document is REP23/RVDF.

CCRVDF26 advanced the following

items for consideration at the CAC46 in

November 2023:

For Final Adoption at Step 8 and 5/8

57 maximum residue limits (MRLs)

for 13 veterinary drugs

For Approval

Priority List of veterinary drugs

requiring evaluation or re-evaluation


The CCRVDF is scheduled to convene

its 27th Session (CCRVDF27) from

October 21–25, 2024. The CCRVDF27

location, and agenda are currently


The Committee is expected to

continue work on:

Extrapolation of MRLs between

species and to edible offal tissues

Establishment of action levels for

residues of veterinary drugs in edible

tissues caused by unavoidable and

unintended carryover of veterinary

drug residues in animal feed

Coordination between CCRVDF and

CCPR on issues affecting both

committees (e.g., harmonization of

MRLs for similar edible commodities

of animal origin; harmonization of

risk assessment methodologies; data-

sharing for dual-use compounds)

Priority List of veterinary drugs

requiring evaluation or re-evaluation


Responsible Agencies: HHS/FDA/

Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM);


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Codex Committee on Spices and

Culinary Herbs

The Codex Committee on Spices and

Culinary Herbs (CCSCH) is responsible

for elaborating worldwide standards for

spices and culinary herbs in their dried

and dehydrated state in whole, ground,

and cracked or crushed form. CCSCH

also consults, as necessary, with other

international organizations in the

standards development process to avoid


The CCSCH convened its 6th Session

(CCSCH6) virtually from September 26

to October 10, 2022. The relevant

document is REP22/SCH. The

Committee had the following items

which were considered and approved

by the CAC45 in November 2022:

Final Adoption at Step 8

Standard for Dried Floral Parts—

Saffron (not yet published)

Standard for Dried Seeds—Nutmeg

(CXS 352–202)

Standard for Dried or Dehydrated

Chili Pepper and Paprika (not yet


Amendments to the labelling

provisions for non-retail containers in

the eight existing spices and culinary

herb (SCH) standards, for consistency

with the new General Standard for

the Labelling of Non-Retail Containers

of Foods (CXS 346–2021)

Interim Adoption at Step 5

Proposed draft standard for dried

small cardamom

Proposed draft group standard for

spices in the form of dried fruits and

berries (allspice, juniper berry, star

anise and vanilla)

The CCSCH is scheduled to convene

its 7th Session (CCSCH7) from January

29–February 2, 2024, in India. The

CCSCH7 agenda is currently


The committee is expected to

continue work on:

Proposed draft standard for turmeric

Proposed draft standard for spices in

dried fruits and berries—vanilla

Update to the SCH Grouping


Responsible Agencies: USDA/AMS;


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Adjourned Codex Commodity


Several Codex Alimentarius

Commodity Committees have adjourned

sine die. The following Committees fall

into this category:

Cereals, Pulses and Legumes—

adjourned sine die 2020

Responsible Agency: HHS/FDA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Cocoa Products and Chocolate—

adjourned sine die 2001

Responsible Agency: HHS/FDA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Meat Hygiene—adjourned sine die 2003

Responsible Agency: USDA/FSIS.

U.S. Participation: Yes.

Milk and Milk Products—adjourned sine

die 2017

Responsible Agency: USDA/AMS;


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International Standard-Setting Activities (9)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

U.S. Participation: Yes.

Natural Mineral Waters—adjourned

sine die 2008

Responsible Agency: HHS/FDA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Processed Fruits and Vegetables—

adjourned sine die 2020

Responsible Agency: USDA/AMS;


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Sugars—adjourned sine die 2019

Responsible Agency: HHS/FDA/


U.S. Participation: Yes.

Vegetable Proteins—adjourned sine die


Responsible Agency: USDA/ARS.

U.S. Participation: Yes.

FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating


The FAO/WHO Regional

Coordinating Committees define the

problems and needs of the regions

concerning food standards and food

control; promote within the Committee

contacts for the mutual exchange of

information on proposed regulatory

initiatives and problems arising from

food control and stimulate the

strengthening of food control

infrastructures; recommend to the

Commission the development of

worldwide standards for products of

interest to the region, including

products considered by the Committees

to have an international market

potential in the future; develop regional

standards for food products moving

exclusively or almost exclusively in

intra-regional trade; draw the attention

of the Commission to any aspects of the

Commission’s work of particular

significance to the region; promote

coordination of all regional food

standards work undertaken by

international governmental and non-

governmental organizations within each

region; exercise a general coordinating

role for the region and such other

functions as may be entrusted to them

by the Commission; and promote the

use of Codex standards and related texts

by members.

There are six regional coordinating


Coordinating Committee for Africa

Coordinating Committee for Asia

Coordinating Committee for Europe

Coordinating Committee for Latin

America and the Caribbean

Coordinating Committee for the Near


Coordinating Committee for North

America and the South West Pacific

Coordinating Committee for Africa

The Coordinating Committee for

Africa (CCAFRICA) convened its 24th

Session (CCAFRICA24) virtually from

September 5–9, 2022, with report

adoption taking place on September 13,


The CCAFRICA had the following

items which were considered and

adopted by the CAC45 in November


Final Adoption at Step 8

Regional standard for dried meat (not

yet published)

Final Adoption at Step 5/8

Guidelines for Developing

Harmonized Food Safety Legislation

for the CCAFRICA Region (CXG 98–


The CCAFRICA plans to convene its

25th Session (CCAFRICA25) in

approximately two years’ time. The

CCAFRICA25 date, location, and agenda

are currently unavailable.

Responsible Party: USDA/TFAA/


U.S. Participation: Yes (as an


Coordinating Committee for Asia

The Coordinating Committee for Asia

(CCASIA) convened its 22nd Session

(CCASIA22) virtually from October 12–

18, 2022, with report adoption taking

place on October 21, 2022.

The CCASIA advanced the following

items for consideration at the CAC46 in

November 2023:

For Final Adoption at Step 8 or Step


Proposed draft regional standard for

soybean products fermented with

Bacillus species

Proposed draft regional standard for

cooked rice wrapped in plant leaves

Proposed draft regional standard for

quick frozen dumpling

Amendment to the labelling

provisions for non-retail containers in

relevant CCASIA regional standards

The CCASIA plans to convene its

23rd Session (CCASIA23) in 2024. The

CCASIA23 date, location, and agenda

are currently unavailable.

Responsible Party: USDA/TFAA/


U.S. Participation: Yes (as an


Coordinating Committee for Europe

The Coordinating Committee for

Europe (CCEURO) did not meet during

the time period covered by this notice

and has not announced the date or

location of its next session (CCEURO33).

The CCEURO33 agenda is currently


Responsible Party: USDA/TFAA/


U.S. Participation: Yes (as an


Coordinating Committee for Latin

America and the Caribbean

The Coordinating Committee for Latin

America and the Caribbean (CCLAC)

convened its 22nd Session (CCLAC22)

virtually from October 24–28, 2022.

The CCLAC plans to convene its 23rd

Session (CCLAC23) in approximately

two years’ time from CCLAC22. The

CCLAC23 date, location, and agenda are

currently unavailable.

Responsible Party: USDA/TFAA/


U.S. Participation: Yes (as an


Coordinating Committee for North

America and the South West Pacific

The Coordinating Committee for

North America and the South West

Pacific (CCNASWP) convened its 16th

Session (CCNASWP16) in Nadi, Fiji,

from January 30 to February 3, 2023.

The CCNASWP advanced the

following item for consideration by the

CAC46 in November 2023:

For Final Adoption at Step 8

Draft regional standard for fermented

noni fruit juice

The CCNASWP will convene its 17th

Session in approximately two years’

time from CCNASWP16. The

CCNASWP17 date, location, and agenda

are currently unavailable.

Responsible Party: USDA/TFAA/


U.S. Participation: Yes (as an


Coordinating Committee for the Near


The Coordinating Committee for the

Near East (CCNE) did not meet in 2022.

The CCNE plans to convene its 11th

Session (CCNE11) at FAO headquarters

in Rome, Italy, September 18–22, 2023.

The agenda for CCNE 11 includes

discussion of the following topics:

alignment of regional standards,

proposed draft regional standard for

maamoul, Codex work relevant to the

region, food safety and quality in the

region including current and emerging

issues—country updates,

implementation of the Codex Strategic

Plan 2020–2025, Discussion Paper on

the development of a standard for halal

products, and Nomination of the

regional coordinator.

Responsible Party: USDA/TFAA/


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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

International Standard-Setting Activities (10)


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 153 / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Notices

U.S. Participation: Yes (as an


Contact Information

U.S. Codex Office, United States

Department of Agriculture, Room 4861,

1400 Independence Avenue SW,

Washington, DC 20250–3700, Email:

[FR Doc. 2023–17128 Filed 8–9–23; 8:45 am]



Notice of Public Meeting of the

Nebraska Advisory Committee;



: Commission on Civil Rights.


: Notice; cancellation of

community forum meeting.


: The Commission on Civil

Rights published a notice in the Federal

Register concerning a community forum

meeting of the Nebraska Advisory

Committee. The meeting scheduled for

Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 1:00

p.m. (CST) is cancelled.



Victoria Moreno,,

(434) 515–0204.


: The

meeting notice was originally published

in the Federal Register of Thursday,

July 27, 2023, in FR Doc. 2023–15886 in

the second columns of page 48431 (88

FR 48431).

Dated: August 7, 2023.

David Mussatt,

Supervisory Chief, Regional Programs Unit.

[FR Doc. 2023–17161 Filed 8–9–23; 8:45 am]



Notice of Public Meeting of the U.S.

Virgin Islands Advisory Committee to

the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights


: U.S. Commission on Civil



: Notice of public meeting.


: Notice is hereby given,

pursuant to the provisions of the rules

and regulations of the U.S. Commission

on Civil Rights (Commission) and the

Federal Advisory Committee Act, that

the U.S. Virgin Islands Advisory

Committee (Committee) to the U.S.

Commission on Civil Rights will hold a

public meeting via Zoom. The purpose

of the meeting is to discuss and plan on

matters related to the Committee’s

inaugural civil rights project.


: Tuesday, September 5, 2023,

from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Atlantic



: The meeting will be held

via Zoom.

Meeting Link (Audio/Visual): https://

Join by Phone (Audio Only): 1–833–

435–1820 USA Toll-Free; Meeting ID:

160 392 0110#.



David Barreras, Designated Federal

Officer, at or



: This

Committee meeting is available to the

public through the Zoom meeting link

above. Any interested member of the

public may listen to the meeting. An

open comment period will be provided

to allow members of the public to make

a statement as time allows. Per the

Federal Advisory Committee Act, public

minutes of the meeting will include a

list of persons who are present at the

meeting. If joining via phone, callers can

expect to incur regular charges for calls

they initiate over wireless lines,

according to their wireless plan. The

Commission will not refund any

incurred charges. Callers will incur no

charge for calls they initiate over land-

line connections to the toll-free

telephone number. Closed captioning is

available by selecting ‘‘CC’’ in the

meeting platform. To request additional

accommodations, please email at least 10

business days prior to the meeting.

Members of the public are entitled to

submit written comments; the

comments must be received in the

regional office within 30 days following

the meeting. Written comments may be

emailed to David Barreras at dbarreras@ Persons who desire

additional information may contact the

Regional Programs Coordination Unit at


Records generated from this meeting

may be inspected and reproduced at the

Regional Programs Coordination Unit

Office, as they become available, both

before and after the meeting. Records of

the meetings will be available via under the

Commission on Civil Rights, U.S. Virgin

Islands Advisory Committee link.

Persons interested in the work of this

Committee are directed to the

Commission’s website, http://, or may contact the

Regional Programs Coordination Unit at


I. Welcome & Roll Call

II. Discussion: Committee’s Inaugural

Civil Rights Project

III. Public Comment

IV. Next Steps

V. Adjournment

Dated: August 7, 2023.

David Mussatt,

Supervisory Chief, Regional Programs Unit.

[FR Doc. 2023–17163 Filed 8–9–23; 8:45 am]



Notice of Public Meeting of the Puerto

Rico Advisory Committee to the U.S.

Commission on Civil Rights


: Commission on Civil Rights.


: Announcement of meeting.


: Notice is hereby given,

pursuant to the provisions of the rules

and regulations of the U.S. Commission

on Civil Rights (Commission), and the

Federal Advisory Committee Act

(FACA), that a meeting of the Puerto

Rico Advisory Committee to the

Commission will convene by virtual

web conference on Monday, August 28,

2023, at 3:30 p.m. Atlantic Time/Eastern

Time. The purpose is to continue

discussion on their project on the civil

rights impacts of the Insular Cases in

Puerto Rico.


: August 28, 2023, Monday, at

3:30 p.m. (AT and ET):


: Meeting will be held via


Registration Link (Audio/Visual):

Join by Phone (Audio Only): 1–833

435 1820 USA Toll Free; Meeting ID:

160 718 7790#.



Email Victoria Moreno, Designated

Federal Officer at,

or by phone at 434–515–0204.


: This

meeting will take place in Spanish with

English interpretation. This committee

meeting is available to the public

through the registration link above. Any

interested member of the public may

listen to the meeting. An open comment

period will be provided to allow

members of the public to make a

statement as time allows. Per the

Federal Advisory Committee Act, public

minutes of the meeting will include a

list of persons who are present at the

meeting. If joining via phone, callers can

expect to incur regular charges for calls

they initiate over wireless lines,

according to their wireless plan. The

Commission will not refund any

incurred charges. Callers will incur no

charge for calls they initiate over land-

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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

International Standard-Setting Activities (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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