Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

500-Real Estate for Sale SOO-Real Estate for Sale 500-Real Estate for Sale 500-Real Estate for Sale 1 504-Congo. Apu. for Sale 1 504-Condos. I Apts. For Sale Mondoy, October 3, 1983 Honolulu Stor-Bulletm C-U KAHALA 3) KANEOHE-KAHALUU 4 VINEYARD APARTMENT WAIMANALO 4 DOWNTOWN AREA 1) MAKIKI-TANTALUS 2 5PKonO.

Apts. for Sale 507-Foredosures 4156 BLACK POINT ROAD OWNER-OCCUPANTS' PRE-SALE NOTICE iSSSEelTS WAHIAWA AREA (7 NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGES Two houses ith wide view ofKaha- )M Km- bdrm. 2 b.m huge roottop aaanooo-h is.uio AND OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION la Bay. Main house has 2 ale castro realtor This notice is published pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 514A ZmVrFbXn WANOA-PUNAHOU- notice is hfrfby given pursuant .0 sor hedroomjGue.thourCharm. pz.ntor.

prospective ownerccupan, purchases, ha, L.ha Devet- K'lH UNVERSm 'Z inj true Black Point architecture. opment a Hawaii corporation, is developing and intends to offer 3 jmi cn noi tanega qlrw mortgagor o. m. proper Fireplace, parquet floor Terrano. KUALOA-KAHUKU 15) 6 Toy SQUARE 511 -oZXST XX Priced for immediate tale.

Seller Vineyard Boulevard. Honolulu. Hawaii 96817 TMK known as uaipahii iqi UNIUHT bUUARt B3511 amid, November '983 may carry. MLS 3)024. Leasehold Vineyard Apartments The proiect consists of one 3-story apartment build- WWH" (9i IT- WAIANAE COAST AREA (81 Linda FiiheMR) 737-9488.

734- S'rSriffi qgMUNqllW a 'XXZ TJl INANAKUU TO MAKAHA t.c, common 1559.J650.000. SC3. muTi. kw- aaa w. AP-men, Bradley Properties Ltd.

st2! 0Nr 2S ET ST JXl-, SSSTK issTirSis: SST 523-0456 P' 5 2- KHy RA 293-9072 Letlcla Query ,01 1 381 82 463 6500 $3SO0 PRiJI rfai TV lr 2 b.lh UporVdrt MfCT 647-6531 Makah. BeaK Cabenee Top lloor, 2408 Hal. 00788 SSSSS Fte.lt, Inc. 262-6262 3, 82 463 65 00 39 500 JiEAjTYJNCJ24J20O Lc' 2 T-tlt'o 1 DUUIIlI RFaITY K. I 2309 0 00423 KAILUA 141 Ocoentront lot In Law reedy 10 build '03 1 381 82 463 6500 39 500 E.lalee 3 bdrm 2 bath.

M' UVMUI REALTY oldg unobelructed ocean view ,0,8690 24 10 Banyan 00635 i SSStWl 'M 1 381 .2 463 65 00 39,500 wmonie, root. FEE IS" fTSduOwrw mu.t Ml M.lan 0..1. (R. 373- 2406 Ko. A 00692 1 Atauma 8.

VA 3 Bdrm 2 bain t605bll mi. ,05 1 381 82 463 65 00 39.500 (Si 487.1934 Cliff IBl acjcond J68.0O0 732-jMII. NOWI 2 bdrm 2 baft, 3003.ANN GRUBB Ra.llor. 4. 2407 Ko.

8 0'384 i Leaaa Kaplan (RA) 523-8662 PRC iTf, P.Ti 106 381 82 463 6500 39 500 Umo'l RMI Eatal. 671- Kukul PIM. Furn 1 morning Long l.rm A3 Ea.y to ,027745 2402 B.nn 00635 hH 1 1 fatagno Rlly 955-3M0 3,, 8J 463 65 39 rm 5626 ail, II TO MM IIS OM Irml ahow 8v IR 846-7397. MAKAHA Vallay Plant. Hon 2 4 3 '027743 2402 Banyan I 006.35 1 uallllll Ph 702 1 381 82 463 6500 39700 IWUV DV DCUTO 51139838 Ann GrubblRi Can1ury21PaclfK: Lid fltwa bdrm Tom PoMn (R) 695-82 14 101B462 1509 Oh.a 0 00646 fja ympla l139.000.

Ph 262-0084 MAKAKII 191 203 1 381 82 463 65 00 39 700 WHY PAY RENT? PRICETduCTONI PunanouL.rt7TbdTm. 1 b.lh Tom Pow. Aa)C. 696-5555 '018660 2404 P.lm J-1 00673 1 COUNTRY CLUB KNOLL: At tha Hp WAMLU f) J04 3, 3 463 66 00 39 700 SELLER WILLING TO CINANCE 90 I2O6OO0 wTow 955-5764ava Taa atud.oa71 8 2 I of a amall culdaaac. cholca rwdan- 3 bd.m I 205 381 62 463 6500 39,700 OR MORE OF PURCHASE PRICE HARBOR SQUARE 2 bdrm 2 b.lh VrJTT nST S12I.Jbm '018781 2407 k0.b 01384 2 tl.lar "i 'w.

gV-iae SSl 206 1 39' 82 463 6500 39 700 Oro coi i ll r.Ki.wiito loll S'atiftM '03'6n 2402 Z1 batfl. COy family room. E.d long lal SI S1 16 OOObv ownar FEE 673 381 82 463 6600 39 900 to buy tldJa. Incl SW rnoll.ataS 0nl Full, turn, 1h MaKana Rli, 6S5-8066 ,12638 906 Ko. A 00602 1 I0.

165.500 Tom 4073 OPEN SuX jT 302 1 381 82 463 65 00 39 900 R.wonbla buyar. onll 94. ,044 lUCJDO 2 partmoalalla Traa fen mat. Maaa ,016762 2407 Ko. 01384 2 Pto(R281-t771 4073 or OPEN Sun 2-5.

46J 65 39 Saa SuMl. 5o.nna) 523-61 11 734-3017 on $75 000 mla 40574 laaaa Baf- slAIKIXini 1018708 2405 Banyan 1-1 01270 2 M.k.kllo 3 bdrm 2 balMw cl. 304 1 381 82 463 6500 39 900 oft KimH ml LialoT JO DOVVSETT A ASSOC INC "'ca Mara.a.a IRA) 988-3135. WAIKIKI 1,27017 1201 PS 00673 YACHT CLUB KNOLLS: Top of tha 45.000 By Ownor. Will con- 305 1 381 82 463 65 00 39 900 R) 533-7165 Atlaa Ra.lty 538-444? LKJWab a Aoom.

INI. STARK REALTY. LTO 944-6744 LOWEST PRICE IN CANTER. '0'8768 2407 Ko. 8 02768 i lllll location.

gor8ou.bay7mount." tarma. Courlwy 395-1077 306 1 381 82 463 6500 39.900 naa ty 5J6-4449 S4000 dn mo.M you In RMucad SuRy PlVcE and tl autl- "4 006'5 ylw.a.lmrc.blydaco.al1.3bd. Naw Llatlng 4 bdrm. 2 bath taa aim- HAWAII KAI-PORTLOCK 131 '000 to $79,000 Ownat mual lulll Ganaroua 'malbta lma poaal- 2t'J otZ no673 room 2 bam. Solar, mlrrora.

built In pla homa. Iga 9093 aq. ft Slan F.V n-S VJmM LJ- ihli 2 bdrm. condo nr UH MLS oial upgradad 1 bdrm i'2'987 1104 cabman, phona jacks avoryvrhara. OlayanlR) 647-6662 National Mori- The price, and monthly maintenance leea abova rapreaent that Oavaloper Esplanade Penttiou.e 3 bdrm.

3 035601 Nunokawe (RA DAve SACRIFICE PRICE of $185 0001 '085233 not Palm ZJl A 9 covered lanal End unit, tradawlnd gaga Real Estate Corp 531-1311 best estimates as of the dale ol this notice and are subiect 10 change by the 501-K(3l Elt3te Wanted bath, amenitlea. $224,500 Laaaa Lewis Realtors 537-4667. 395-1550 Motivated aeuer-eubmlt all ortersl 10 186)9 2401 OrneH 00846 cooled $132,000 mle40S08. JAN Developer pnor to entering binding sales contracts The apartments Courtesy Owner B) 373-3175 MLS 39299 leaeatiotd Lynn Matauo Each of the rKooert.es to be sold is a time-share 'rest impefiai HIATT(R) 254-3 124 he offered for sale urjon the issuance of a Preliminary Public Report lor Busine3.lnrt.ir,ii 1 iqi.ND homes Hawaii Resort condominium protect located at 205 Lewers street, nrr manoa-punahou- 5.,. maunaluan $148,000 maui n'" 0 T0MP C0 UNIVERSITY Z) SilcSirLr 771 MOST WANTED UNIT kahana manor .7 j-e.

view, rrrrCVSotrP nr. i'tm YOUNG ST 9 600 tl FEE SIM that the Preliminary Public Raporl will be appro.imalely tour weeks 7' P'oparty you willing to Hahawo. SI Tha oa lot Hi- 2 bdrm 2 bath wocean view $46 OOP Uirich 8 noc 524-8322 ec, percentage seilortn above fb, the e.clusive to occupy REALTORS 261-177 PlE.PI spm wlica- submission ol ith. to the B.M the Public f''bi tarma Malsumu-a 8 poullSmfl Hard- Acrow from bn Pool. $130,000 APT 1W and use each a Reno.aied tna, wm delink the Ocia Hmta Th Report h.s not yet been issued tor the proiect.

the Real Estate Comrmssion Asoc 735-274Q aacurl. mis 14 195 Julia Byrar Ar 1 4iU of Covenants Conditions and Restr.ct.on. lor Vacation iPiin Owner COUNTRY ESTATE. In cool, quiet End. d.

erminTd whelhw the Develop h.s adequately disclosed all Sm. Commercial Industrial, lown ty Mu0h BLAND COLONY w.thm tha Vac.non Club fnod the Office of the Maunawlll-spectacular mountain 527 S27-2203 material facte as required by law All apartments have ona bedroom and Kaimukl, Sewell (R, 735-1600 ean mnValn vw 2 Mr 2 ILLNESS FORCES SALE Btltul Ass.s.an, Regisl.ar of the Land Court ol the Stale ol Hawaii aa Document vlewat Elegant two story four bed- "ohaIreaTtv CORP 524 1200 on. bath and Include on. parking stall. All apartmanls are Intended for EOR SALE BY SUGAR BEACH 1 bdrm Garden No 10 un above lor the number ol room, and one-hall bath home ALOHA REALTY CORP 524-3200 UM A aparlm.n b.

held lor owner-occupant, until ten KuM-Uf ownE avid Hou I RA) 922-2655 S91 1000 TARANTINO Genera" montaln Sell- fining us. weeks set form above, and (cl an undivided leasehold intereat Ihe with family room, fireplace. SWIM- 3 bdrm. 1'4 b.lh $179,000 fee ml. ,0 days alter issuance of tha Preliminary Public Report Any Interested TTT Tabo $13 OM h2 Dellvea KlfHM 967 53 Leaae ml.

39522 $115,000, NEW percenuqe set forth above in and 10 Ihe Land upon which said protect and MING POOL aat on a vary private 38513 PrwllgeMgrnl 946-2077 nl.ced on an ownVoccupanc, relation ll 502-TOWnhOUSeS for Sale LIFE. 946-4540. 595-6164. Apartment Unit situated 'A3' "00W1V Laaaa. 8500 aq.

ft. panoramic view. Faa. to obtain further inlormation on Ihe proiect. ahould contact lha Developer a BRAND NEW LISTING' Coral Tar- Each secured property shall be sold separately an AS IS condition 000 MLS 36321 Mary HolmMrg $,60,000.

Owner 524718 initial broker Savio Really, Ltd at 41 So. Berelama SI Rm B-101. Hono- McCULiY-MOIUlU 121 race Apis 2 bdrm 2 bathlee with no upsel to the bidder w-th not leas than Iwenly-fiv. (R)254-3174 lulu. HI 96813 Phone 521-6541.

KAHAI A mwmiwi 000 Louie Lopau RMIty 536-8763 P'ceni 125V.1 01 Ihe highest bid price payable as a nonrefundable depow $ITIfw rnn-L-i Jf Hausten 1 bdrm aolll-level Aaaume THiVno 7 cash iu 1 or certified check at Ihe close of the auction balance payable MAUNAWILI ESTATES magnlfl- MfULLY-MOILIIIJ 171 If Nil l.r" kam.i a RF.rH 71711 laoi rmo or Hula Mae loan 589 000 Laaaa cNTEBeuBY 338 upon delivery of documents conveying t.ne Purchase, snail pay an costs 01 cant famlty home. Ideal lor an Ktlve ir-t (tr-wi MUIIUL. njI. oio o.n ir utlful. turn 2 bdrm mclocllg document drafting prepara trsK-jr.

wahiawa lakeview nPAniiMc 2,, ixxzrzzzz tTSttZStt Th OWNER-OCCUPANTS- PRE-SALE NOTICE UcAULINc KAILUA 4 SX. bof, towers 62.6454 FOR SSSSSS 0 MIULANITOWN AREA9) DwiJopmeni a Hawaii corporation, is developing and intends to THE XXISJ. "wLZl'X ft tee simple, with adiacanl area of offer fOf Sale 3 20-UDlt Simple Condominium prOrBCt located at 36. 40. GEO NOMURA (R 261-2953.

262- buy $62,500 mla new 044 1555 over 2.000 sq It. available alao. By Owner 3 bdrm. 2 bath, upgraded Jj aS 1B5 1B4 IBS 1Rfl anrl 10n I akpvipw f.irrlp Wahiawa Hawaii MDAV 9478 Luke 4 Luke Realty 94 1-2222 Sam iKikana 633-1549 Pall- cc-'" Three bedrooma. two balhs.

remod- model homa flelble tarma mid LBKeview UlfCie. ttaniawa, Hawaii OUIlUrtl 'n sades Propenie. 531-3134 Creacent Par 2 bdrm 2 bath, kitchen, lovely ceramic tiled $150 principal, only 625-0890 96786 (TMK and 24) known as Wahiawa Lakeview. The prOeCt A.ril IIAHAF New Lisnno Kino. Gala 2724 $150,000 E.cl location Secured ji fff 35,60 sT-patYd, cool 32., to-n- consists of ten one-stor, duple, bu.ldings containing the following 20 OPEN HOUSE mFffiin.

HomalHlrt 1-5508 home, corner yard $123,500. LatBIa wl Ul IIWUUL $94 500 lease Margaret Daily IRA) Amenities plus Prima location Trea. Discovery Bay apt 2311. 2 bdrm 2 1 i 1 I A Query Rltylnc 262-6262 dpdiimenis. 235-5915 top view 125 000.

Lease Olive bath 7view assume mortgege or lAllllr" Mr- SouzalR) 262-0708 appro. $220,000 closing Laaaa VVnUL. yililani Flot" Total UUIUU SAM DAILY. INC DENIS REALTY 247-8768 Advantage Rity 955-7070 IVIIIIIQIII Apt of Area and Entry (sq Mo Purch nr.iTU NR UH 2 bdrm, 1 bath Laass. DISCOVERY BAY7ILIKAI OPEN 9-5 LTD.

REALTORS 254-3521 Existing Resale Homes fa'm' 'S'" 'Z'u "am 5oo IS REALTY 235-6666 52-4-6'2'' "7it ti FEE LANIKAI BEACHFRONT HOME 2-Bdrm Townhoua. 84,000 36-2 2 580, 164 744 75 00 49 500 0 CDIHAV NEW LISTINGI OUTSTANDING l. B.y mmmmMm Tj $750,000 Uyl.r.(R 533-6447 2-Bdrm. ToamhouM 89.500 40-1 2 580 164 744 75 00 49 500 CYM. rHDAY 2 3V P-ld.

ProC1. 524-4640 -T etaV mil lfflll 1 I I II FeeTiew lu.ury 5 bdrm. on beech. a-Bm. Apl .4.500 40-2 2 580 164 744 75 00 49.500 L.lic.

Quy Rll, Inc 262-6262 c7lKi Olv- 17 I I I I I i (1 I I I II i- I SS .2 SliS For further information on WINDWARD PASSAGE MOANALUA AREA Ed. ibdrmtoatn JUU IIUIII iiri: i is eme ts 0 1 322aoloast.apt.i2os plnpnifinHn New listing Enchanted Lake. 42 3-Bdrm Townhou 112.000 52-1 2 680 164 744 7500 49 500 'emerili IUr VK gUIUB. Super 2 bdrm2 bath. uil to lnriaTle Cau PalRI "ansportation $96 000 Laaaa MLS I "I II I I I I 1 1- ZZ we1ra Iga pool.

spa. New ceramic 2-Bdrm. Lu.ury Apt 124.900 52-2 2 580 164 744 75 00 49 500 -j fi 2 parking Secured bldg wpool. 1 alTloo ml. 38247 new Paul Dang (R 947-4328 Ij I I I I kitchen, lanal.

Iga. maalar bdrm. 4-Bdrm. Model 1395 162.000 182-1 2 580 164 744 7500 49,500 LQ I 01 I "3 I I I whirlpool, sauna, tennlaracquelball VT" Waikiki HealtV Ltd 732-6622 Elraa galore Lease. $186,500.

4-Bdrm Model 8167 175,000 182-2 2 580 164 744 75 00 49 500 courla Beaulllul ocean view. Highly IflfLT 847-6531 pw Nielsen Realty 282-6068 3-Bdrm. Homa 182.000 184-1 2 580 164 744 75 00 49,500 decorated 1 Improved Incl. wallcov- rilllinHI bciitv Sacrifice 4-Bdrm. Model 1750 167.H00 184-2 2 580 164 744 75 00 49,500 erlngs thruout Celling fana.

new UWlV Va I HEAL1T S189.000 Southard Rlty 941-1223 Phone623-2821 1 560 164 744 7500 49500 appia Owner moving 10 Mainland a $67 500 1 bdrm 1 BATH aiia price reduced to $59,900 6tft FORFn (IS RP- Sfl nPFN 744 7500 49500--KAWFOHE-liAHALUU Ml opievysun 1-5. $129 500 -a 5997 524 6121 Juibi fi bidg 1 bdrm mi, 40253. rurlLOLUOUnC OiHLC WIL.I1 3n TnWfl hr 2 '84 744 7500 5O0 Counwy Call 263-42 IB B' Leese Rlty 524-6860 '2 8S "J0 49.500 0n.o,,h.,.,gw,4bd,m72b.,h for mowing anylim. Ln.rden, 70-, open NaPlll POlrt, Unit A-10 PARADE OF HOMES "5 KApAHIlllJ ylSTdSn-Sa SaSSHonoapiilaniHighway 1 minULUI I IwlVILw The prices and monthly mainlenance fees above rep-resent the Develop- 600 June Burkhan (RA 239-6668 rVMIYl Uftr-rVnrnnULU i mg. big lanai.

end unll Low dn A7S Estate Showcaae 926-5481 Haaako Uhaina Maui 96761 VAilllA Mllllani I HWn inn a best estimates as ol the date ol this notice and are subject to change by 1 okl mis 033758 OwnerLlator mlW IVIIIIialll IVWII, Developer po. lo entering into binding sales conlraci, The apartments RAM RA Fairway House 22 $105,000 Lease LieorgeSuhfRAl 633-7589 Really 926-56 7 7 -WAfll Al I VICTA DsnUnef. will be oltered lor sale upon the issuance ol a Preliminary Public Report tor UniVI LHIL I IMW. mis 31937 Dol Read IRI 262-7725 ERA Magnum Properties Lodge 1 bath unit wview In ISLAN0 IswUrOCI rnlUL. fUULnUVIOIn ncallOlS Wahiawa Lakeview by the Real Estate Commission ol Ihe Stale ol Hawaii REALTY 235-6666 fff simple 3 hdrm2 b.lh eondo C0L0NV Convanianl location IrivVPKFrnwnnUllvlllU The Developer plans lo subm.l us application for tha Preliminary Public REGENCY PARK-Lge 2 bdrm.

2 priced rioht et fe irttludea ell ut in a Mrm 780 aq tl Lanai a.tra tat 6 beachfront on aeclufled bay LUWrllotLUNLrUMINIUM Report to Ihe Commission on or belore November 1. 1983 and estimates Spacious 3 bdrm. 2 bath home bath 2 parking Motivaled. Anne JaBMO XK 1JB87Juna Bura MLS. 304J6 $79,900 Margaret TMK 4-3-2-21.

leasehold One 1 1) parking stall per unit. VCJ CVC I ihal the Preliminary Public Reporl will be issued approlmalely lour ween Quiet, clean neighborhood conven- 636-5795 nart'iRAI 239-68M Daily (RA 235-59 15 Cvictinn Too Cimnlo UnmdQ after submission of the applicalion lo Ihe Commission Because the Public lent location, motivated seller $1 o7rrr o. wn i idcct ooir-c listing Fee mple Homes llMir rl11as 235.4923 3726 '2S 000 GBE4T LCanUn'menn cenTT? one bedroom $72,500 Militant Manor 5 J.irt"r-.;r,JX Ti nrr fEE M'm" ''h chJ. s. d.

o. Turn ocnonnmoi nnn 04 nnn apanments nave two oeorooms, one niirifLI ing wrpool Seller molivaiedil MLSa ioinuo Rill Brown documents transferring title Purchaser shall pay the cost ol conveyancing TWO BEDROOM J83.900 $84,000 nUlJlTr oaTtv KAUH -PALAMA 37768 $69,900 Kevin Shannon (RAl rord.tion con.ey.'nc. and Shall pay lor and be r.spOnT.bie 2 bdrm 1-e bath lownhouaa well u'i. lTl? UUUUU I REALTY 247-2627. securing purchaser possession of property SALE SHALL NOT BE FINAL1 cared for Walking distance 10 Wop- a0 HULA MAE financing.

10- Intorea! RAMRA UNTIL APPROVED ANO CONFIRMED BY THE COURT 350 AOLOA ST KAILUA ping center. Kipape achool and occupants until ten 1 101 days after issuance of tlw Preliminary Public Re- KUALOA-KAHUKU 5 2 bdrm. $54 000 lo $56 500 Con- SAM DA LY NC OrtlVI UrtlL IIIO. ADJACENT C'X'Z-ZX, ALMOST OCEANFRONT 1 bdrm lT RT 3W666 LTY 235-6666 OPEN HOUSE on October 8 and 15, 1983 from 2-4 PM HOLIDAY MART-WINDWARD VA Financing icnue kUAltHIIAl rTTl cZX'VZ PASSAGE na ri rjciwr. rncr PrK.

jze.soo mls 40205 ANEOHE-K AH ALUU 4 cAsnoniy 942-8759 EdinChu(R) uak.lraon Ir.onl Meps Court 01 Hlh Sl- IamI $89,500 MOANALUA AREA 1 PEARL CITY-AIEA 9 7Wt- Srg rr Fw 24 no, For See how aaay thla 2 bdrm IH bath Enterprise Realty 944-5511 close to everything Leasehold MLS call Commissioner Lowell A Hanks, Maui 572-8056 Addreaa. O. Bos 32. lownhouaa can be yours today Lai AAA Priced tor quick sale, 3 bdrm. 2 FEE Palisades spacioua 4 bdrm on MAIAIII Cl 101 Hornon View Tower 2 bdrm fee.

3B906 HALE KOA REALTY. INC pulai.ni 96788 rLe.iSSJ Renl Plua work lor you. Can Haling bath. tee. $215,000 Good assum- corner lot Well maintained Minimal mnnnMLW 7 KAPIOLANI I2I ocean view $125,000 3- courtMy Better Homes Gardens 623-700Q.

bEPAHAIE DWELLINGS orrer a office for showings or Ray Beeuche- able 8ed flrat at 10. New Haling yard care $140,000 MLS new PALEHUA HALE Immac 3 bdrm II 395-5690, 536-i 126 Mr Lam IB) OPEN TODAY 9-5 th7.TE!1,XEt,!v mm 623-2634 lo, d.t.,1. Lea (R) Lee Greenbaum Rlty. 523- Kurl.l Props 942J66 VTZlZ. A 3 bdrm 2 bath .2 atalls.

com- DISCOVERY BAY Call atop by 520-Real Estate NOtiCeS 555-BUSinCSS Industrial 2 Mm Iml MLS 36861. 9406: 735-1013 Fee 3 bdrm 2 bath, 2 car gar VA $119 500 Fee Courtesy 672-9257 pwtely lono.aied Fee 735-2103 LANDLORD DELIGHT our Saws Otf.ce on me Mall level of studio. Assume 10 mortgage ASSUMABLE VA A privatequiet 3 bdrm, 1 bath. rM 3 bdrm 1'v bath, familyrm. ocean BARGAIN at $145,000 lolani CI Constant demend aa rlal Com- Ih.

Owovwy Bay Shopping Center. CALL THE EXPERTS INDUSTRIAL LOTS Walk to beech $127,500. PHILLIS ni cnn aopla carpets $125,000. BAPTISTA INC 845-9577 view $1 14 900 Leaae mis 39466 1085 sq ft w2 stalia Laaaa Para rental income lo coat of owning Ala Moana Blvd A view the New Dimensions Reeity 734-6314 Reedy to bund Eceiient eipoatira FOX (R) 262-4313. Fee Dompsey IR) 466-9480 ERA Hanohano 456-4273 mis 12066 Lee IRI 524-1818 Ih.

apl Beautiful View Super condl- excellent selection i for le CASH lor A'S or aecond. 373- on Nimitz, Sand latand or Puuhale uih k.i.m. u. i. Wailuna Lalanl 3 bdrm, 2h balh.

0n Ameni nes available. You can in Discovery Bay 6 Waiklkl. HUGH 0.0B ey 5, ,70 ian High balance VA loan la eaeumaole By owner 7 bdrm 3 bath 8 nueat harhor view mr n.r llnnrarte. 3 bdrm balh remodeled ocean Canal asslc spl level 1 bdrm CO- r.n ufwffff uur 044 111 2696 or 537-2792 Jim Hoada 2 1.844 to 1 70.340 aq ZZXISSS houM. ,185.

000. Ph. PPOOO ca fSSL ZZ lZtT spacious covered lanal lacing lha Bdrm. 1 bath condo. Overlook, new RACOXR)395-7170.

cure, $67,000 TERMS-EXCHANGEI oraelling Pro Heeity 855-553J 13lh lee Priced very low lo aall gym and haa view of weter and M0L0KAI C.T I f-(l IK PFir.HTt 151 Mil II ANI 1DMJN APFA IQI YfJ ffTT'S. CMl riafTirnn A CCflr SHIRLEY OLDS lnc (R 94 1-9 183 FINANCE REALTY CO LTD 638 so mo lease lor 64 yls todayl MLS 40513 $149 900 Laaaa mountain. Uk. Khoof VLVK ST. LOUIS HEIGHTS 2 MIULAIMI TOWN bdrm $4995 Dn.

$51,915 Robert. IjlOlia Ua'Oil ASSOC. P5000 Ph 537-3SK 1 595- 7W)8 MARY JANE STONER (R) 235-4777. lo new shopping center Choice wooded lot near beach. GREAT VIEW! 4 bdrm 2'4 batha AA No Dn Low Dn Buy a home HrownmiB.i-saje -JQC TCOO iflC 732-1414 OtAblDt TOWER.

"BOO FREE Real Estate Prepensing CalllialingomcelorahowlngaorRay Pukoo Harbor $72,000. Darlene taking $230,000 mls32517 Rent Plus Best Buyl Fee 3 2 lolani Court Pima a 3 704 Sell now'l uj JCC it It 1 bdrm turn will finance at 12 Ph Courae to qualified individuals! Call NC 839.1946 THE SELLERS LOSS 18 VOUR Beaucnemin (R 623-2634 eve. Oalerman(RA) 595-2 155. FAIRWAY REALTY 946-9091 bath MLS 10770 $110 000 CrU 524-56 16 LOW LOW DOWN PAYMENTI owner 9-1 1 Or after 5 922-3537 for an appointment TODAY! sacuu INC 5Jt-! GAIN! Oesper.te aellers have re- MLS 39958. LIBBIE 6 COMPANY 523-1361 Luko Rlty 487-7966.

696-641 1 lolam Cl Plaza-Value al Bargain 2 bdrm. 2 bath unit in popular Can. TAKE THE LANOLORD OFF YOUR 487-7237 ERA Concepts 524-7800 KjmmUmmMf lUJU! 1 tlT'mVBtZavv NOb Hill TOWnhOUSe Hik Rural Assumable Hula Mae 2 bdrm1 Prices Golding (R 53 1 -5996 lury W.St ocean airport view p.roll, Buy thie terrific 2 bdrm END GRUBB 1 ELLIS CO $95000- MAINLAND 77-3327 K.pio.an, T.rr.ca. Fee. parking, jS? uni, and 'have tha advantage 5314202 560-StOreS OfflCeS construction.

Super neighborhood KAUNAKAKAI REALTY 533-6047 Kra ranch- from (MLS39478I Terms. Naomi Toyooka "PT; S40S yourmfl Grat Oldg' Great MLS 340 2 7. JANE MORRIS (R 261- gactae-t condition. Idealty located 2 CJ OH kOO 35 ac 'J Mililani G.rdi Home 3 bdrm 24 734.1204 Trop: Shoraa Realty. Inil "5-05e prl MLS 37437 Leuehold.

Realty 941-9406 Option ,0 buy wle.s. 395-942 Sq 8354. 5i SnI" 1 NORTH SHORE ItSI boallno Beau coun fry Low b.lh. splll lev Lowrysl priced unit sT lLTl-. Barker RI 261-8384, HUGH MENEFEE-CREST IMI IO narkirrrhv'c-lm 0.1.,! B.okTnow lor MLS new, MARCO POLO: Ocean view SludlO.

HlOCT 847-6531 HAl KDA RFAI TY INTERNATIONAL INC B.JhopJliias. I KS At appralaal price, beachfront 2 additional Into Terry Carter RA) Earl S. Menle Realtora 942-9668 $73 000 FredCheelnc 942-2992 HI II JMP I BCIITV nnLt IxUtt lltrtL I I Real Estate Sawa-lnveatmenta PORTABLE OFFICES (2) 10. 10 WoUolflDoliftUA-tai houi. 28.000 1.B 84 1-7038 ave Fst Hawaiian Properties 524-3522 Grand fee slmpi.

atudlo, Better HOmeS GafdenS DLent 524-5490 20.10 Ph 487-6363 lAnnDCikir UpUd naie railO nome ChoH oceanlront lot Mokulela Sea- For aale or rent 2-slory In Seattle. 8 uriAWAI I IA ADCA III $59 000 Jerry Ching Rlty 531-4884 NEW LISTING, Fee simple 1 bdrm. 1 Specialize In Selling Houses Sal. or lease-Century Sq Otter wttwUDO S97 900 lod 90 ml lo of Wash view of Lake WWMtinLUn nncn Pactic Grand Studio turn $57 000 1a0 ,72 261-4647 Takeo Tokumaru Realtor 737-2333 Century 2i Pacific Ltd 538-3831 RPAITORS 3 bdrm 1 h.tr home of 732 so Kullima Waal a53. best golf courae Wash ahwping rsllne.

matured Last chance! Few 3 bdrm delachj Reinhardt Realty 949-2011 wkdaya. 0u 262" Th. Villa view, studio, low price. LISTINGS WANTED sti.tjJiJUOl.JIMlB'!! HbALIUna rtl-JJH 2 bj IbJJ PJJJ 732 a loc.noe un lid al only f'. quiet, thoroughfare Good un, left Fee simple 5 mm.

from 377-5024 mmswkend, 6i62 maintenance lease, eaay term, ALBERT OMOTOiRi 696-2121 150.000 lor. large 3 bdrm. 2 b.lh rS cU. 5.000 Motivated J.cque- "rm i Fori Shah, $125,000 Ralph M.1o772304 Open Mon 2 2 ,2 2 PfKi'K: 941-5247 MARiAN TSUE REALTOR horn, on o.W 5.000 I fl FEE SIM- two parking apace. VaT 37-3.

638- 7 Banyan 533-1625 S.I VILLA 8. 8, P- 636-7155 AAAA AT ROSS'S RECYCLED' PLE. Spacious and Clean home. FHA okay. Joe Ann (R) 466-2801 oarage, sludy, workroom.

$92,000 bdrm wslaam bath 8 utll; $83.000 Pnncipals call 946-1513. 395-894U 36465 Maenena (R, 94T-7664 MILITARY looking for homes? hfoiltv Lot. of room tor panon. Seller Evea. MLS 39619 lTS mo Howard Drosla 942)173 PEARL CITY-AIFA 191 Fee McGhln 6 Co.

53 1-5677 WAIKIKI BaTjYAnI Prudential Rael Eitale 488-1977 Maha(RAI80M3 NobHillTrVO SIIMSFT After Ocl. 3. Hilo 1-935-0956 VI 2542 Date 1104 excl cond 2 NORTH SHORE 16) ILiKAl MARINA Ocean view unit, Military Soon retiring? Earn at two greal locations on Nlmllz JTT.J.J, Ty Tn yn.cc,, ennnnniACUA wUllULI Hale Ola l.e aimple 3 4 bdrm, bdrm 1 bath Diamond Head view II avail Nicholaa C. L.ndahl(R) Four QQOtcomm Bo. 395 Aie.

96701. Hwynr Kalihi St. 641-7336 8 94-165 WAIKIKI REALTY, LTD. 732-6622 $110,000 VAPHA iyAUI8VA IDCA IH townhouses. lowest price.

Charter Convenient location. For sale by Fee Simple BEACH FRONT HIDEA- Seasons Rlty 536-2508 iwhuvino 2nd mortoaoeTTiTr Look ana St nr Topal In W.lp.hu 3 bdrm. 2' bath lownhouaa, scat- RFAHH UAHIAUA AREA (7 P-operlSJSTT 941-5510 ''T' Walkik, Ban an un. Viol. On, RA Ng Pas In'cf-Olls 671-8581 Hotel renov.t.on now'onl KAIMUKI KAPAHULU HI DUAL 3 S'S'hlrSB WfX'iSir 395-6755.

Pacific Rlty 941-5247 un, Admiral Thomas AA NIMiTZ USED FURNITURr KMIV1UKI-KPHULU 3) Tmi 100' frontage with 4 rental bdrm1 balh each Covered lenal. bath cool, qul area $'00000 VMnt By app 524-3370. 637-3155. 537-2198 Walkiki Banyan 1 bdrm $75 000. Discover, Bay.

Eden. Century Ctr. Open Every Day Lovv 1 bdrm home immac condl- To JSSPM LaM "-000. Oood Seller fenced yard FHAVA All oflera con- "JHKTE" 1 ASSOCIATES PH 395-1696. 6 Assoc.

538-2764 You, lucky day- Lee IRI 732-0653 hrnk clnt. to 3'N Wlmitt Ph 634-1080 vnTtlZZrtM $18 rS3 765! MLS nSJ dMper.t. Al, offer, considered sidered MLS. 38589 $135,000. 87.3827 or 423-1997 w.ikikl Sunset by own Beautiful agg-easivaly mark.t property Adiu.l.bl.

ec bed. e.c. 26" 467rMR RLY STATE TnH' Ccrlw, to brokerr Napu. H.kkaRA, 237-8539. Ridgewa, clean 3 bdrm 1 MA.KIKI-TANTALUS 121 NUUANU-ALEWA- i HdTrJ To MVrk.t.ng plan mus, 395-4087 cond only 1 old hawaii NOD Hill III Michael Spalding Realty AM All IKIf.

1 inmnmj KAM HTS III 3i 121 bdrm. i Eal estate license school Sale of the Cenluryl 4 bdrm 2 bath S1 10 000 Call Wiled Maul OMIVI UrtlLI II1W. JS.S"!", AAA INTEREST FREE-1 yr ASKIng t-U will lease $119,000. Courtoay STAPLETQN Qanu, Mam 521-0071 Baaulilu, NEW 6 pc rattan living rm Mrur hrTJLids Prl.acl 84 )T7M V8 1C1 RFAI TY JlhUfifififi 5 4 11 625-256' K'1' Manor 1 bdrm lease, mla 15635 Nuuanu Brookslda 2 bdrm $169,500 lo brokera 922-6875 set Factory sale 845-2022 dlr older house, needs work. Prlvecy.

3 bdrm 24j bath lownhouaa uat 2 242-5788 OT 248-8363 nOLIT tOj-ODCJO 487-1834 PRC Realtors 523-6682 262-7876 GpFHrFR rcalty INC 735-5511 77 Hegister-upcoming roreciosures See house first, than make oners lrom and I liimnri Po.l Pctata H71 1fi)9 "---5PENCEH REALIY. INC. 735-5511 Wli)1kl Sunaet O1709 $85,500. Lew Biven 645-7678. 488-0531 BRASS BED.

MUST SELLI below appraisal. Open form. 737- OahU 988-75 17 evBS Fee 6100 fl. lolgood 3 bdrm. 1 jW Heal Estate 62V5628 Admiral Thomas lu.ury 1 bdrm.

02. Wayne 1RAI 536-9422 Horlta Rlty $600beal offer 422-1340 HI? front wry way. all bathroom, and fee 2 hou.ea. ml. 35569.

Zi'mlenZZllt Zl'XTfoVUl'l! ZTnSi2ot PEARL CITY-AIEA 191 W.ll.na 2 bdrm 1566 7l.a.emi. Up to $25,000 caah available to buy Brown jordarTruTtpToo! Lanal SaU Swrra Or Owner says aelll Well de- kitchen. Mirror llle In dining room Blesl Properlles 395-5501 OshlroB 67 1-3968455-5694 a wparate en ry comas with me Courtesy $205 000 395-4087 rcfWL III I -men 7 3664H220.0OO Lion 94 1-391 1 diacouniad mortgages or AS con- 30 36 42' round, reclengular 6 signed and well kepi 3 bdrm 2 balh Paul Lapa (RA) 623-7855 evea. MLS waialua duple. ACROSS OCEAN, 3 iS.v'llrS Bel Al.

Plaza LeGrandelRI AAA $70,000 3 end unll. yachl Harbor Tows 1-2BdrmT" Irta HIRONAKA R) 538-3766 chair wis. 48 round umbrella sets home So Close to Kaimukl Town. 38992 Ddrm 3 bdrm $150,000. ''i, ovT Ont $98o7 LaaM mis 23-'794 Lease Ml.

40067 PRC 523-6662 SALESRENTAL OFFICE Suite 300 INVESTMENTS ioungw. group, Laulea Townhouse "i8524-M- 'il "Sa. 2-2 M'm 2 TKh, H.rbor 955-2159 734277 oToT'' 'ALtCORP ni'inrTi Et varS' EHcSSSoT gAWliT lWWA. Twm'up'T BUDGETS1 How tobL, at rental price lL. i 530-Bldgs.

to Be Moved adiacent to Klp.p. School and park. KAM HGTS. 1 IU WILUft 3) TiL Comlonable 2 bdrm FHAVA W7 rjoo VAFHA Uyehara(R 533-6447 France. Ueunten (R) 623-8502 avee.

1 1 K.m;9.. VIEW, VIEW, VIEWI convenient location Price reduction Baanmajaeaeawnmaj For eela 1400 aq lob alia ofc 10" mi MLR3I238 VACANT LOT ONLY $1 18.000 fi?" TTl Spacious 3Bdrm Wa.au unit Near lets you buy at rental! CALL NOW PwH eiag located al 300 Wai Nanl Way BrCW metal CreClenza, 77 18 KALIHI-PALAMA Ml I IIVIinAnarimpnt Vacanl lo. w5000 sq. h. In lower rac.

area wlols of green space A Curtla Ako R) 524-6900. Sand Sea Jerry Chun 235-2444 50o-Ra FctJte tO Trade Waikikl Need 'amoval prior to 10; miCarta top: 3-SeCtlOn Veneer Wall Ununi rnLAIYIl LUXUry ftpanmeni Nuuanu near the "YBA-. Prime area laval. $234,000. E.cl.

cond. 732- m0unta.n view! $99,500 Lease Call Realty INc 533-6768 JUO-rlCdl OleUC LU lltfUC 30 63. Make oher. R. Park 92 $124900 ZfcSfo Ikl 2 story 4 bdrm.

'SSSS FEE SJU' Ptf ReQeflCV co-do. ,360, 3 bdrm houa from aWSlnut mort top 735-42C. lg 235-8700 WAIALAE IKI WAIPAHU 9 EgZ Lesehold giSSi a.JM.ill I4M ,69 oS -S 162 000 PACIFIC gk srg. ZZL ceo 550-lrvcome Property MOde 1395 PUNCHB0UL AREA 111 P- hugeTam.ly 2 courtyard Olayan Oumcy K.rshiro Rwllor 395-8314 rtAIUnlnllj Oahu 7320462 L- 7 .1. Cn.iM lounge ,8.

tabiea $45. twtr 4 bdrm 2 bath houaa I'l 8 kitchen, plu. 2 tlrepuScw. Fee National Mortgag. Real Lovely 1 bdrm, 1 bath FEE nr w.nt o.hu 732-0482 AAAAA Waiklkl COITipleX bed $56, 1 5 r.trig $48 IrAAIcriUC Ir-AUAIIIII Ml lanal nr parks and schools Francea Over 25.000 aq ft.

of FEE SIMPLE simple $775,000 Nina LauIR) EstateCorp 531-1311 Maryknoll School mis 36433 VA rHA rinailCiriQ 193 not I winter! 1 2 1 units 23 19 Ala wai Open l-S high cna $18. mattreu SlO BETL TJTT Gentry realty bssbsbbb s. 9 5175.000 'wrso aa for Sale Sy EHCiSEof" SriffVtS-i NEW 3 i 4 BDRM. MODELS Model 8167 gMaT. 4 3 b.m P.ikoi oor.

CSSSTw F.mpk.,bd7m VJaMiia 293-6035 FEEsrLrM. iir5fK JSSiS iSSftSst ras AIMMWiM.lc. dosed garege with laundry area with 375 053 -5626 wTs.ooo MLS Iu3a CyTcvTat 2 bdrm apt. 12 AHAREALTY CORP S24-3200 JoTouST. G.V dba 10-.

APR 11 3 TRADE-INS too. direct entry Into houaa and back- nT Hnc Betz I 373-4867. linanclng wmin dn ml. new. Hawn.

LUNALIHO TOWERS 1 109 Luxury Amenities EQUITY 109.000. tree A csear Such 1 bdrJ IT CHOOSE QUALITY yard Cloae to schools, ahopplng PAUOA-1 LOT. 2 HOUSES. $160, dolman associalas. Permanent Rlty 523-6451 Seldom avail 2 bdrm mis new Fee couch, wineea elyks rm sat CHOOSE AHUIMANU HILLS! Can center A rec cenlers Paul Lapa 000 $92,000 Wong (R) 734-5027 WANT 1 or 2 bdrm turn condo camel back sola, lanal aal.

So NeilPembertomR, 4087. SECULAR VIEWS from ne t.rg. MZT. MSmith Zo. .3002 OPEN EVERYDAY SsL ZSTZSTiSXrTXiZ: RARRARA0D0R J182-000 "rmj-a 1 1- urciNCVcniuMi 4 3 on 20 ho, consTgnmeSt ceNfeS Ta7.

DAnDrtnrt ULVr. CinnlpFamilvHnmfl loc.uon Remod el.tlng KEWAL0 2 NEW carpal! NEW -allpaperl Fan- 8am-6pm propwy. all arr-snlle-. 7 yr. Old in rwrnmlng Cer.Mn.o- RI 526-3526 3834 In.

MCHnrt Olngie ramliy rtume JEFFEHIES inc. 281-84 provements or tear II down and re- I I tasllc mountain view! $219,500 uo'" San Oieoo CA $140 000 equity 7 TT 7. i Realty, Inc. 235-1500 Lid $320,000 fee $255, mls 3593 michelle Site phone 487-3834 3.7u.i d2 APAU LP 3 2 balh. 2 car- family room, kitchen and bath III.

apcA IJI 000 Lease MLS 33930 Suzanne Ball KAGIMOTO (R). Luke A Luke Realty wl ic iui ic tu -uuu-t lnivyiM tnECMad chains oowj condOf) port, enclosed patio. 6500 aq Fe. uporadl Computet, lencl hollo. PALOLO AREA 3) IR, 373-4667.

4 941-2222 OwrBI 94 1-9318. ILS 395-6322 simple. MLS new Lizama Realty III. wall, high tiled ptenler bar. rain dolman associates, lnc -531-6488 -r4W Must sell-price REDUCEOI Exclusive Sales "2203 fr alnt.

tab. 735-5765 0.373-3407 gutter and down apouta. Paul Lapa oS? 735V7 ,2 9 4905 VVAJALAE bdrm ml. 34408 a- MMWUBIil jAiiaeBg SUBM (R'ohAEALTV CORP 524 3200 cond 396-6693 evM. Betltul n.lur.1 aal.lngl 11.8-5? (RA) 6237855.

evea MLS 40879 mg $150.000. 4905 Henry Wakukawa IRA) 988-5-063. HORTARPfltV W7 FnfPNHn.r.f D-ak $250 T.bCha7. $550 Llh, sq fl tee simple property 1 yr old Mode 1750 over 18 686 lend graclou. p-, I I f4 llUn II A llCQl IV a 507-FOreClOSUreS Fe Land 5 SSOSgFi VV" time Quality Raiten Cuelom Made of NOnJ i.iuVw3 .407 Ann PEARL CITY-AIEA 9 home .0.

eniwalning plua rv.n. ralo(l J-T 1 I Tt n. 1 Tirrn -T 8811 2bath.lg. cov1l.n.,.2c..gar. $187,900 quarter.

Bawlilull, lawn Conveniently lOCated DUUOL.I REALTY hC MATIPC HgT'J?" 732-6633. 732-6634 pDI, j-gT- weiec door heat pump. All natu- ROOM TO GROW. Over 2.000 fl. of Duple.

Fee 1021 Hooll PI $156,500. with aprinkier system. 3 bdrme. 2 5 Fullu turn rnnfin fpp tJ I I LC Fee aimpw building 60 PunM S.I wil.ble $65of1er 2 oiaaa ral cedar A redwood wmarveioua living area thla beaulltul- Prmcipala call 948-1513. 395-8940 batha $735,000 Lease Pal Levy (R ruuy mill.

uUllUUS, Open Sun 1-5 Maklkl Towera. 1617 PEARL REGENCY 1 bdrm condo In 1 s- w. welkin $2,100 000. Howard Bilkias tables $20 Ph 947-3200 view of mountains. Oulat area.

4 2' bath 777777771 734-8278 mjn In chonninfl Center Keeaumoku 5th 8r end unit $114, iu.ury compie. Pool, tenma court. Ltd (R 524-4024. 1 will Hnanc. $174,500.

Rein. CuW HALAWA dolman 3 poOCrnH 521-3504, 955-3405 poking atc MVcrow.v. A cefl- ALL or trad. 3 acre. FEE Pupu- 'Slblf' hardl Realty 948-2011; 377-5024 fun, to, privacy, plus CENTRAL PARK HEIGHTS PAKALANA Lge.

Immec. owner mg Ian IncL $91,000 leaaemla ke. w3 hou.e. full, rented Lou $, 75 All good cond 39601 1, evea.wkends huge famlty room. Lanal off bolh f-r-llCT AOCA IOI Drinninele nnlu occup.1 2 bdrm l'A lease.

39445 FumieShlmazuR)531-1172 ADVERTIsem*nTS 487.7231 w-TOl. i Beeutiful 5 bdrm3 balh home lha maatar bdrm. and tamlr, room Til A lA Ji, iiStVT ...7. MinCipaiS Only $110,000 Sl.n NLhlmur. RAI 395- OKAZAKI REALTY CO.

537-4956 UNDER THE wo on ma.nl.nd Incom, propenw Green Carpel ft SSSalSr: XttZSlltfSX! FHA-VA InanakuutomakanXI Days 737-5960 23--' mDHE 7.r Mmm Milllani Town nc $75,000 WSnitS PnrpHnsnrp JU uh eves. only, DAM UAILT, IINU. IVIIIilcllll IQWII, IIIU o.no$l58000 Lea 3 bdrm M.k.ha $78,000 3 bdrm ocean njliy njrn I tmpreaa 373iJ (Ft) 527-2215 75 400-113400 rOrCVIUbUIC M676947 King Sized bed COfTIOletB aYflMrl OCaiTV IOC CCCC tM wilr, Courtea, to Broker. Malll $85,000 5 bdrm Makaha. Ha- -'y ALOHA REALTY CORP 524-3200 LLu4 h-7 Snc.

REALTY 235-6666 Nr. SOCCer held, district parK, rec. wall Hatneld Rlty 696-8415 Ocean view euc-rb aecured 2 bdrm pVtvSACOLA GARDENS Vary prl- Leasehold ri A -JCIFirATION Inveetor ce.h an, size POard 200 247-2251 Hauul. old home ecra from beech. Ctr.

IV OUT MW Commercial Area RE.I,, and Sa Aurnra-sTsm. $6300 dn. 4 'LAGA ROE JJPJ Peart Two Sate Office VLAOOlrllA lUPI y-a property iLol. Mong. mu.1 Ou be ,95 5,507 aq fl.

Fee land $88,000. Louie Inr eXCiteiTWt-yeS, thiS 2 bdrm. bdrm 863.OOO AMR) 668-1220 33579 2 3 Bedroom uni.a al.o 487-2409 AHt Tl "TT.3 fS $45. n'S6dV rsSSTfi Ml ZMttX DIAMOND HEAD 2 Mililani Twm Inc. ReaHorj PAYABLE IN roWrti You'll love Ih.

malur. froplcal prl- Upgraded throughout FBB, ITllS pearlRIDGE 3 bdrm wdec, A 20 000 sq fl of tee land Incl range. niAUOKin HFAD A.OHA REALTY CORP 524-3200 632-2821 rniflDLLIII NWsen Heaity 2C2 J5a tebiea, coffee table eel $175. kltchajr vat. yard.

3 bdrm home wnew 38955 1146 000 Call 190118 SOtO fantastic vlewl Leeae On busline, well-well cerpet. llghl h.turea. rock UIMYIUI.LI ncnu Priced 10 eall. meke an offer Barclay ERA Concepts Unlimited AnVAMOCfC McCuify. 30,000 aq fl FEE SIM- eat $50, swivel rocking chair kltchj, seller, open to term.

Call ml.40246C Lee 947-3000 wall, outs.de fireplace amok, houaa 3019 KALAKAUA AV unll a 403 2 bdrm 1 bath. Fee cw wiirraieg AUVANOt Ur n0ry" 100' today for mote Info Asking $115- (R)623-4880, 625-17(6. beautiful landscaping FHAVA or stw 19 IWMJMVsuH. 1 ,0.000 Ronald Miyuno Rlty 84 1- 487-7237 development Call Tad Hera (R, 527- noma 422-6410. 1Q-S 000 Leasehold MLS new John LIBERTY HOMES, INC.

DMfrll OllrVtmli Hula Mae welcome Musi see 10 ap- Only A few buildings 00 the Gold 45250 Johlro RA, 64 1-6077 BentOtl, RealtOI. PUBL CAT ON. i I cATv'c'SRSIIa TjS Mu" n.ng Fesle (RA 524-3333 HALE KOA LIDCni I nVtJ Miw. HflVfl oUmm I Asking $. 16 000 By app I Coast featUfB One apartment Pef PUNAHOU ROY At Cool 1 bdrm 1 4a7.7tK1 UUtlVn ALOHA REALTY CORP 524-3200 Ty REALTY.

INC Belter Homea A Gar. Wa.pw 2 bdrm 1 balh 6668 aq I IU Jf Ul WUI I II I II I Mr Curtho 67 1-6577 eve. 8, block from Pun.hou School, ml. Th.nkwr.1 Nodn mLaavega. 2.J6 dene 524-333 lee lot $122,500 ml.35852.

took. tended OpCT HOUSe Emoy H.w.n.n llvmg In thl. lovely no0r' Financing available. Children 35973 KA HALE MOI II, 2 bdrm MlkeMcCOTTTIettlleanOfe Thank yOU, $2 25 miwon Sell allpan. Serious p.n uuAioilll AN! ei lOniUHinw LmkMiI? 10 00 am until upgraded 4 bdrm.

2' bath, fa- permitted. Truly A home On the low-nae. unobstructed view mis 488-1991 Classified Advertising- principals 949-1746 jjoo 7 dTJir" WAIPUALANISUBDIVIblON 4 bdrm 1650 model 95-190 Alaaiaa IU.UU until mily.m lee simple home. Dining ocean' 2 500 AG ft With 4-wav 35975 Gerald Takase (RA) 524- eaejw J. I.

H.I.IU Prime In Makau good yriy Income meror $75, deak $50 lis-J-JVf' 7 to, mpk. lota -th curb, gutter. $,79,000. Couneey. 623-7516 8 30 fTl DAILY area, lovely ocean lew, on quie.

0606 All, Realty Inc. 923-6445 Models Open Dairy 1-5 p.m. pb aldewelk A underground ulna. Lota u.uu ki.ni. wnitt Lg, id 0 w2 cer car- exposure.

Only 12 units in OUflOing. 17i, UVCl UAlluTAikicn h. 1 CIA-Deal FcfltP AJnflrel tior. Assume 8 AS 8280000 tT covera. bolaiei.

SSwSSs ESSH "Sr $65,000. Houaa A lol peckagea AAA Lhr. wmn hOrlia Healiy, IflC. IAKITIII lease MLS 35916. $795,000 Linda utVTKawrO Lyum Rtty 53 1-4454.

734-6642 available, priced from $139,500. Can of Sail Lake, only 4 homea away laf I I ll IKI cml L(l ni fiTko 524 69O0 S.ril Sea 488-2283 ALOHA STATE "''Wn' ua.od.acuMpiM. from the mil Country Club. Simple lU lllXI F'Sher(R 737-9483, 734-1559. rmJm MLS the.

a94li drpW. $100. 521-3901 Wvw. 'TeFuyeda44 ESH ILJW otzjw LIZ BENTON 555 rgg wrTr. ean.

f1 422 TANEOA PH. 5Zl-bI I 1 Fee 2 bdrm. Rm. to expand $89 000 523-0456 Sel'ilto (Fti 94 1-3598. REALTORS 487-7961 BUS INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY AmPomT AREA: 90.470 H.

"ATTAN dmin, M7 REALTORS 944-3821 REALTY 4a-7768 A0 735-1808 Nanrkea Reel E.tsle 487-7200 WANTED Chung IWl 94 1-5041 Leew NlmlQ.Koepaka 546-5-90 natural 8360 7 34.1554.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.